Sunday, July 31, 2005


Well, it's D-Day, as my co-worker Marcus termed it, and the "d" is for "dump". Jason called me without leaving a message, and I'm gathering the courage and sobriety to call him back (I really need to stop letting my other co-worker Joe talk me into drinks at TGIFriday's). More frustrating than the whole Jason fiasco, the man with whom I was developing a friendly relationship that may have developed into more is...THIRTY-THREE! For those of you keeping score, that is ten up on me. He's been officially vetoed by Sarah Ike. Actually, I'd already told him there was no way I'd date anyone that much older, but we're excited about being good friends. I feel pretty good about being single again, anyway, as those three weekly hours spent with Jason can now be reclaimed by study and friends. Maybe both! Anyway, wish me luck, all, as I rejoin the proud ranks of singledom.

catching up

Hey everyone,

Just wanted to bring some attn to my date-detailed post which is on my blog…I decided to end the killing suspense I know you’ve all been in.

Tom--well, as I don’t HAVE a current job, I can’t really complain about it….but I do think that until you feel that you’re on your way to a career that you think you’d enjoy, I think lotsa people aren’t satisfied with their jobs or their direction….or maybe being not happy with your job is a symptom of not being happy with your direction or lack there of…..that’s just how I’ve been feeling lately though….i’m exploring internships and certificates right now that might be interesting to me b/c at this point I’m a little confused as to what my education was preparing me for anyways…not having faith in your own decisions is never a fun feeling.

However, I had a great appt. with my English advisor last week which really opened my eyes to the opportunities that I need to take advantage of, and now that I know that I feel a lot better about what’s gonna happen in my future, even if I am currently unemployed or working for $6.25 at Borders…but that’s just me.

Jess—yeah, girl, I haveta say I have almost no experience with seizures or fainting, and if I was you, I prob would’ve freaked out too, it sounds pretty scary…hope you’re feeling a little better now sweetheart…((HUG))

Sarah—well, I’m glad you were able to take care of your stuff. I kinda wondered about you, and then forgot about it once Jesse arrived. Can’t wait to see your new place once you’re all moved it ;). Hope you enjoyed Door County!

Mark—details, man, details. What’s going on? I checked your blog but no update. Or….i mean….we live pretty close so I guess we could just get a drink or something and you could tell me…but this way everyone gets the benefit of hearing your frustrations…it’s what we’re here for anyways ;).

Til the next time we meet-

Saturday, July 30, 2005


So last night, Andy, Ian (roommate's boyfriend) and I were all getting stoned. At some point in the night, Ian gets up, disappears for a while, then comes back in the room, sits down and says,

"i think i just had a seizure . . ."

Lisa (roommate) comes out of her room and is talking to him, and all a sudden his eyes roll back and he tips forward and starts shaking.

It passes after a little while, and he keeps saying he's fine and doesn't want to go to the hospital, but we're freaking out and saying, "no, you're going dammit" and so Lisa calls 911 from my cell phone and they put us on hold. In the mean time Ian starts convulsing again, so I run outside and start banging on ppls doors to see if they've got a land line we can call from. Of course, it's like 1am, and summer so most everyone has already moved out, and the only ppl home and awake don't have a land line.

finally, Lisa's able to get through and we call the paramedics. But by that time Ian is starting to come out of it and definitely starts looking better as the blood comes back to his face.

I guess he'd been smoking cigarrettes all day, which he doesn't normally do, so we think he just got nicotine poisioning. I guess Lisa had a similar situation where she'd smoked too much hooka and they had to take her to the hospital bcz her legs wouldn't stop shaking.

By the time the paramedics came, he was doing a lot better. They just checked his blood pressure and sugar levels and everything was normal. He opted not to go to the hospital with them (they kept asking us if we've been taking illegal drugs) but ended up going later w/ Lisa an hr after they left.

They were back home this morning, asleep, so I gather everything's probably ok, but I'm still kinda shaken about it. So scary.

Bad english

Hi Guys,

The last blog I posted contained a lot of bad english. Got to remember not to write while trying debug a program at the same time. Sorry about that.

Hey Jess, from the picture there, your sister looks hot. Either John and I have the same taste for women or we are just a pack of dogs trying to hit on anything that has two legs and is a female.


Friday, July 29, 2005

Have I ever mentioned how much I love This Modern World?

Well, I do. Not only is it the best political comic strip ever (found in the Isthmus for all you Madison folk, online here, or under Links to the left) but the blog is fabulous. Check out this crazy comic book they found! I totally want these!


A request to anonymous commentators

Please, please sign your name at the end of your posts so we know who's commenting.

Sauce! A DATE?!! REALLY??!! Oh i see, you snuck your post in down there between the posts abt my sister. But hey! There's nothing about a date in that post!

What's going on?!

BTW, i signed up for a Surfing class with some ppl from my lab, which will take place on Saturday the 6th. I'm so excited!

I'll try to remember to bring a camera so you can see my last moments before I drown to death.


Nothing works anymore

I screwed up on the date. Damn it all. You can read my post titled OFFICE SPACE. I am going to bed.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

John? Where? Where!

did he comment to araby's library fine post? how do u know it's him? it said anonymous... let me get a glimpse! let me get my camera! John! How does it feel to be at the premiere of your new movie? Can i get an autograph!? John John! Over here!

Amusing things that happen at 710 E Johnson St, Madison I wanted to take a minute to laugh at the sad hilarity that is Bito's and my roommate (the other one). Like Bito keeps saying...we can't describe it, you have to experience it for yourself. Well, have experienced it. I know that I, for one, was having difficulty containing my laughter when she said directly to you that she and I were moving out because we "hated one of our roommates" (meaning Araby of course), and then when you told her you had lived with Bito, made a half hour worth of pathetic attempts at covering her ass. Freaking hilarious....for real. Man.....nice to know that when I get back from this weekend, she will, for all intensive purposes, be gone and I can go back to maybe hanging out with her once and a while and not having to control myself so I don't laugh when she spends half an hour bitching about all the things "other people" do and expecting me to agree with her. She's a trip man, I don't know how people get like that., that's my piece for today. Welcome to John as well!!!

Off to reminding myself yet again that I am and forever and ever and ever will be the shining star of my family....


Now you too can relive the excitement!

That's right children. How's this for the coolest waterslide you'll ever see?

I wish they posted a link showing me where i could buy one . . .



Now all you have to do is write us a post!

Araby was telling me over IM today about "PAYING THE TOLL"

I was laughing so hard i started attracting unwanted attention. :\



I have a library fine of about $200. Whaddya think of that?

The Final Countdown

I call Jason at his work yesterday, and we're supposed to "get together" on Sunday night. I picked up all my shit (except a couple movies - I figured I'd give those guys all opportunity to watch them) from his place last night, since his roommate was there to let me in. I'm all prepped for a break-up. I guess now I'm just worried that I'm working under the wrong assumptions here, even my feelings for him. I think my best bet is to not think about it anymore until Sunday night. That should be pretty easy, too, the way my schedule's set up. If anyone has words of relationship failure advice, feel free to comment! :) / :(

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

My sister Jen: incognito

Look what my brother did! Hahahaha!!!

Office Space

How is it going? I know, I finally made it. Jo, what have you been up to? I have been kinda lazy answering emails after a long day at work. Every since, my 24 th birthday I have been thinking about moving back up to the Mad Town because working for my brother blows. The stress is quite amazing and to make matters worse, the family discount on my salary is killing me. I could be making 3 times as much working at the Mall without all the stress of linux. I really struggled, trying to get the telephony card to work with the linux box. There were so many configuration files to look at, just to get it to dial out. At the end, I managed to get it work, which really pleased our customers, but it came at the price of my patience and mental health. Now, my next task is to read some 300 + user's guide for a huge switch and then configure it with our network.
What happened to my dreams of working in the field, observing and studying wild life (ie Prairie Dogs)? When did I become an expert on Linux and networking? I wasted so many semesters in the chem and bio labs for what? Learning linux and networking? I do not think so. I need to get out. I am living Peter Gibbons' life. It would be bearable, if I was dating somebody like Jennifer Ainston. Maybe, I will get my wish because if I am truly living Peter's life, I would be happy at the end.

Monday, July 25, 2005

"Oooops! I am totally retarded! Ha.... Hello, World!!!!"

Oh, my poor poor sister Jen.

The above is what she said when she realized that she had just accidentally emailed everyone at her high school reunion details about her recent breakup w/ her boyfriend. Youch.

. . .


wasting away at the lab . . .

I spent my entire weekend at the lab.

How's that for fun?

Actually it wasn't that bad bcz I was catching up on some of the free manga I downloaded while keeping Andy company. But man, I really did spend the entire weekend at the lab. . . how's that for a life?

Well Jo, I was thinking this blog is just for us and our friends (whoever we direct to the site), but I think it is accessible by the public. You can't Google it by content or anything, tho you can google Jezebel777 and get it, but that'd be weird if someone tried to find you through my screenname.

If it's something abt. work, you could just speak in general terms. I talk shit abt. my supervisor and just don't name him pretty much all the time. God, he's such a chode . . .

lol and if you don't want to do that, you could always use the classic "my friend did [your words here]"

So yeah, i think you're pretty safe. We're a pretty low-traffic site, and just think of all the personal blogs out there one would have to search through to find you . . . I mean, don't give out your Social Security # or anything, but I'd say we're safe.

That said, I think there is a way to make the blog inaccessible to others, but if I do that I'm not sure if you can access it if you're not an author. I'll have to look into that I guess.


Sunday, July 24, 2005

ok i have a question...

is this a blog for... like... our eyes only? or are we giving this address out to anyone who wants to read up on our craziness? i guess i'm not too familiar on blog etiquette...

oh and this question stems on the fact that i was about to post on something that i kinda don't want to get all over the net...

hot hot hot

i step outside for a second and am drenched in sweat...

i usually don't sign on during the weekend... so i love how i log on monday morning at work and am greeted by new blog posts! yeah!

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Hello world!!!!!!!!

Weeee!!!! I can post to the blog now!!!!!! Thanks to Jess for giving me posting access. For those of you who may not know, my name is Sarah (Sari) and I'm Arabito's roommate of the past 2 years and friend of longer than that. Hopefully I'll have enlightening and entertaining things to bring to the table. Hopefully they won't all be about anime....I think I may make my own blog specifically devoted to things of that nature, although I do have a blog of my own at if any of you care to know about any of the crazy things inside my head.

Anyway....just wanted to say hi and thanks for listening to me!


The roommates borrowed my pipe w/out asking!!! Where oh where did they put it?!


Friday, July 22, 2005

yeah, i guess that must be it

ok, well anyways, sorry bout all that. lol still trying to figure out this whole blog thing . . .

lemme try one more time:

waste your precious time HERE.





Why isn't it registering when I try to add a hyperlink to text?! Whenever I try, it deletes it!

I said, Here's the link, and "Here's" was hyperlinked to jo's website. but whenever i do it like so:

Here's the site

it doesn't work!!!

hmmm, i think this time it's working. I guess you have to add hyperlinks AFTER you've already typed everything??


GODDAMN IT! It fucked w/ my posting AGAIN!!!


What the crap??!!

My job as an administrator of this blog is failing miserably.

JO! Since that link (
WORD post) and we wont have this problem anymore.


I REALLY WANT THESE FLIP FLOPS!! can anyone get them at payless and ship them over to me??? I will either buy them whatever they want from korea, or i can send money or something... the shoes themselves are like 18 bucks... but it might cost some to send it over... they dont sell these in korea and i NEEEED them!!!

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Dilemma dilemma!

Don't worry jo; I'll try to give you at least a month or 2 in advance (hey, it's better than a few days, or even a week!) ;) But mainly I'm gonna just continue to dodge the issue as much as possible until I'm in a better position to make plans.

I mean, look at everything I have to deal with:

If I have the wedding in Vegas, Andy's family won't be able to make it, and probably a lot of you guys won't be able to make it.

If I have the wedding in Wisconsin, everybody can make it! And I mean EVERYBODY. This includes like 200ppl on Andy's side, plus the whole fucking Korean church on my side. Which means $$$$$$$!!!!!!! --WAY MORE $ that I've got right now.

And do you know what kind of god-awful pressure I'll be under if I have to perform for the Korean church?! It's gonna be the churchiest, godliest and basically the most boring of all weddings! I mean, Andy's family is gonna be expecting at least 1 keg of Pabst, but if I have the Korean church there, I'm probably gonna have to keep it alcohol free. Seriously, can you think of any situation that could possibly be worse?

And even if I limit the amt of ppl who can show up, I'm still gonna be stuck w/ a really boring, stupid wedding, and a lot of unhappy people bcz they weren't invited.

If i just elope, I can have the wedding I want: big fucking party, perhaps a costume party--wedding themed but not necessarily--while sloshed out of my mind. But if I don't invite family, I run the risk of alienating and upsetting ppl on both sides. I mean, what if I invite my sister Julie, who'd be cool w/ whatever I did, but not Jenny, who'd be playing Mom the entire time? I'd be in so much trouble.

lol i could have 2 weddings, one for them and one for us, which is actually probably the best possible situation. But that would require $$$$$, which I've already established that I haven't got.

Which leaves me with the 1 thing we've been doing all along: waiting. But then i have to keep putting up w/ mom . . .



Wednesday, July 20, 2005

wedding plans~~

so if this wedding is to be in las vegas...and if ur mom ends up getting what she wants, and the wedding is all soon and stuff... that's gonna be a prob! i need to know some time in advance so i can get plane tix and make arrangements~!

who's gonna be your maid of honor and your bridesmaids??? if u get orange sherbert with puffy sleeves, what do the ppl in ur wedding party get? do we just don on styrofoam right off the bat instead of trying too hard with cloth, when it's gonna end up looking like plyboard anyway???

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Time to try on-line dating????

Hey Guys,

I think I might have posted this comment twice. Sorry about that . I must have price a button by acciddent.

Yeah, I heard there will be PS3. Jeezzz, how many PS consoles are they coming out with? I am satisfy with PS2. Sony is making a fortune out of young people.

Bad news for Tom, the Asian Sensation. I found out that Kate, the girl whom I am interested in, is going to move to Chicago within a month. Not good. Not good at all. At this rate, I am might have to try on-line dating like my co-worker. Actually, that might not be a good idea because it was a disaster for him. Hope is getting thinner and thinner these days.

This is a funny story. So my co-worker decided to try this on-line dating and he actually got a response. I was surprise because he is kind of nerdy looking but he is a very good and nice guy, nonetheless. So anyways, they went out to the movies and watched the new Batman movie and afterwards they decided to go out and eat. They decided to take his car. The girl barely fit into his car. The following day he was telling the story and I felt sorry for the guy. On that same day he was suppose to call her and he wanted to end the relationship. John suggested that he should tell her he just got out of a relationship and did not want her to be the rebound girl. I told him that he should just tell her that he was gay in a joking way. Man, when he told that story John and I just laughed for couple of minutes.


This link curtesy of Sarah(the bito's roommate) a.k.a. Sari-

check it out---its the new PS3 !!!!!

more talk of weddings and such

Sarah- man, that's too bad that Noah's Ark was kinda a downer for you...i was planning on living vicariously through your experiance since i haven't gone in so long.....buuuuuutt.....i guess i won't ;).

Jess----- I am THERE……I am SO THERE. Cheesy wedding, Vegas, flying monkeys….who/what/where/whenever you decide, count me IN.

That said, man that sucks about all the pressure your mom’s putting on you, though I can’t say I’m surprised since you’ve told me about your issues with your…her…values…before. And I totally gotta go with Jo on this one….and say, well, it sucks, but b/c she’s your mom, ya gotta put up with it(esp. since she knows you’re mobile number).

I DEFINATLY think that if you and Andy don’t both feel ready to tie the knot, then you shouldn’t do it. I think I can speak for all of us when I say we’re all behind you in whatever you decide to do.

……but a cheesy-poofy-Vegas-flying-monkey-wedding would be REALLY cool……

Oh god….today I spent at least 6 hours feeding wire into a machine that wraps labels on wires………this HAS to be one of the most mind-numbing jobs there is as it requires no thought at all, and finally, today, I discovered that the only way to make it through the day without looking at the clock every minute is to shut my brain off, and totally forget about my surroundings.

This worked pretty well, as I planned a nice dinner for my mom during the first half of the day….i was able to mentally diagram what do make, where to get the food items from, how much time to spend preparing each item, when to prepare each item, and go through the mental motions of preparing the meal more then once…..


whoa, whoa and whoa...

and no, i am not quoting keanu reeves after someone cuts in front of him in the bathroom line...

JESS! yes, i know how much a puffy wedding dress means to you... and if that's what u want, then u should have it! i mean, as much as big fancy wedding doesn't mean much to you, it still (hopefully, hehe) will be your only one, which means u should make it memorable... do whatever u want, but make it special...

as for your mom... she has to know by now that u... aren't really normal, hehe... at least by her standards... that goes for your opinions when it comes to traditions that everyone follows... so if she keeps pushing on it, that just means moms will be moms (as tom so eloquently put) and you'll just have to put up with it... i mean, if she hasn't gotten you by now, that probably means she never will, which just means u'll just have to take a deep breath and just humor her... i mean, she is your mom ^^

Marriage and Harry Potter!!!

Hey Jess and Steph,

Jess, mothers will be mothers and especially Asian mothers. She probably wants another grand child. But hey, if you guys are ready for marriage and economically stable, go for it. Anyways, I would go for the MS at Texas A&M . Shit, with a MS you would probably get a better job. By the way, Texas is pretty hot, especially south of Texas.

Steph, so far the sixth Harry Potter book is pretty good. I need to read about 200 pages or so and I will be done. According to, which is like an encyclopedia, Harry becomes intimate with a girl but decides to backoff because he feared that Voldermort will go after her. Harry is like Spiderman. With great power comes with great responsibilty!!! By the way, of all the girl characters I think Nyphodora Tonks is pretty hot. Although, Fleur is pretty hot herself. I heard that either Keira Knightley or Rosamund Pike- she was in James Bond, Die Another Day, as the bad girl who was fencing champion- will be playing Nyphodora Tonks. Keira Knightley would be good because she is so hot but I think Rosamund Pike would better. Not that Rosamund Pike is hotter than Keira Knightley but it just looks better with Rosamund Pike. By the way, what is up with white guys and Asian women? I mean, in the other books, Harry went out with Cho Chang for awhile and then went to the ball with Parvati or was it Parvati's sister? Jeeezzzzz!!!!! No offense Mark.

yeeerrrnnnoooooiiii doont know?

Honestly, do you really think I'd make a life decision like moving somewhere I've never been without waiting till the week before I have to leave?

You know me! Procrastinate procrastinate . . .

Yeah, so Andy talked to the professor in Texas, and is going to try to start his Ph D program there in mid October. Which means he's got a little bit more time (not like August 29th as it was gonna be before) and altho I believe he'll be able to finish (KEEP ENCOURAGING HIM!) there's still a possibility that he won't be done. That is a bad bad possibility, bcz it would mean he'd be screwing over the Texas guy. And trust me, that would just be bad.

So yeah, basically he has to finish so he can move to the 9th circle of Hell in the name of higher learning.

That said, I have a job here in CA at least until the end of January. However, if it becomes economically infeasible for me to stay here till then (i.e. andy and the roommate moves out and i'm left paying the $950/mo rent myself) I'll quit and move.

But to where, you ask? Well, the fuck if I know.

As much as I hate Texas A&M without actually ever having been, I hear that getting an MS in Entomology there is pretty easy, and being the sorta-ambitious-but-not-interested-in-working-hard kinda person i am, this isn't such a bad option.

However, the fact that I hate Texas A&M with all my heart without actually ever having visited also leaves me with the desire to avoid it at all costs, and coming back to Wisconsin for an easy lowlife job that I can do while taking classes for recreational purposes is also a very plausible option.

Tho, it hasn't been helping that my mom has started badgering me about when I'm going to get married every time I talk to her. God, I wish she'd leave it be. I mean, does it sound like we even have time to think about getting married, much less make plans for it? And what about money? Andy's been below the poverty line since he left home, and I just bought a car that cost me over half my life savings. If she wants me to get married so fucking bad, she sure coulda helped by sending me $ for my birthday instead of my old mail (or hell, even along with my old mail, but just old mail? what the fuck?!)

I mean, just think about it. I go to Texas w/ Andy, she keeps badgering me ("YOU HAVE TO GET MARRIED IF YOU'RE GOING TO LIVE TOGETHER!!!"). I go home, she'll keep badgering me ("YOU LIVED WITH HIM, ARE YOU GONNA GET MARRIED NOW OR NOT?!") except now she's closer so she can do it more often.

I wonder tho, bcz you know how some states have that weird law that you can't legally live with someone unless you're married? If any state has that law on the books, my guess is Texas is one of them. So in that case, we may actually have to get married.

And, it's not like we don't want to get married . . . eventually. I just dont understand why it has to be NOW, you know? I mean, what the fuck does it actually matter? We're the same people now and we'll be the same with rings on our fingers (lol not that we can even afford rings . . .) And why does it have to be my parents or the state i live in that dictates whether I do get married or not?! SOOO IRRITATING!!! GAH!

*composes self*

So, as you can see, there's a lot of things up in the air right now, and none of them are going to be decided until I absolutely have to decide. And honestly, I like it that way. I mean, what's more exciting than not even knowing what state you'll be living in in 4 months? Who knows? Maybe I'll take one of those Hawaii internships after all. Or maybe I'll say "fuck this" and teach English in Korea for a year. Why not? I can do whatever I want.

. . . except not get married. God, I don't want to answer my phone anymore!

So, how many of you would like to/can afford to come to Las Vegas for the cheesiest wedding you'll ever attend?


Monday, July 18, 2005

wait... what?

jess? are u moving to texas? huh?

my site...

Hey, the settings on my site have been changed from korean to english... so if u look on the right hand side of my site (which should not take up the whole screen, but should be smaller... and there should be a little animation character in the middle~ that's me! hehe), there should be tabs all lined up in the vertical... and there is a tab labeled VISITOR, that's where i want u to leave ur comments.. hehe... if u wanna see pics, click on the tab PHOTO, and u'll see categories... i don't have a lot of pics of you guys, just one of jess, me and Dennis...

where is D by the way?

i even put up a link on my site to The Onion (under FAVORITES) hehe woohoo!

ok, so post any more questions, i want u to be able to look around my site!

oh yeah and jess, those pics of the dog... that's the way that dog sleeps... the last pic is of it waking up, hehe ^^


Ok everybody, so if you want to post a link, you know, you can use the button on the create post page---you know, the button with the picture of the world and a little chain-looking thing in the right corner? If you highlight some text, and then click on that button and enter the address, your text will link directly to that page.

Hey Tom—yeah, man, I’m pretty pumped the 6th book is out, although I didn’t pre-order it b/c by the time I got back from Scotland, I had no money to do it with…which is too bad b/c now it is more expensive…but prob I’ll borrow it from someone. Mark and I were at Perkins at like 1am the other day, and the waitress there was reading it ;). Enjoy!

Jo—I Totally can not navigate your site…can you leave me some hints or a different link so I know where I can post a comment? In the mean time, I’ll link the last address you gave to my blog.

Btw today is my brother Joe’s 21st B-day! Happy birthday bro!

oh oh!

and u'll really make me happy if u visit my site and click on the vistor tab and leave me a comment! oh oh! really happy! hehehe

So I mentioned it as a comment to Mark's post,

but then I realized it was so good, it deserved it's own. rivals Mark's aforementioned homepage.

Here's a taste of what you're in for:

I think we can all learn a lesson from this: don't chortle at the Joker's boner.


Sunday, July 17, 2005

where's the link???

ok, here's the link again because this blog gets its kicks out of chewing my posts up and spitting them OUT!

and, yes... i know it's not mever...

what the freak?

ok, i posted this! but it mever showed up on the blog! wut the... so i try again... trying to match the eloquence of the first time i posted this... u know it's never the same when you try to rewrite something...

so basically, that link up there is my homepage... now it's a korean site...and more korean friends than english speaking ones look at it, so a lot of the materials are in korean... like my diary and stuff like that... but there's also some stuff in english... if u click on photo, i have categories of some pics... the one labeled "college friends" is very sparse! more sparse than i would like it to be... so if you guys have any digitized copies of photos of us, please send them over to me, so i can put them up and brag about how byootiful and BOOTYful my friends are! yeah, so here's hoping this post makes it to the site...

luv, joey

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Sheeps fell off the cliff

Hi Guys,

Their is not a date just yet. I was going ask her out for a drink on the 4th of July weekend but she left the gym before I could do anything. I think I will ask Kate out for a drink this coming week.

Are you guys excited about Harry Potter? I am going to get the sixth Harry Potter book tonight. My favorite Harry Potter book is the Prisoneer of Azkaban.

By the way, did you guys heard that 1500 sheeps fell of the cliff? It all started with one sheep that decided to jump off the cliff and then the rest decided to do the same. Out of 1500 sheeps, 400 sheeps died while the others survived. The other sheeps survived because the 1100 sheeps fell on top of the other 400 sheeps. It happened somewhere in Turkey. That was the weirdest thing ever.

This needs no title.

There is a time when words fail to describe grace in its purest form.

My awesome Friday, in TANGERINE

Firstly, Sarah - that is a post above all posts. Thank you. Secondly, I had a peachy keen Friday. First, I went to the women's clinic in the morning, and totally got a paper bag o' gyno shwag. 3 free packs of caramel calcium chews, 6 free samples of their recommended lube, and 3 free months of birth control pills. AllllRIGHT! Then, I had a highly encouraging chat with my old boss, Ann, who's just about the most supportive person I've ever met. Then, I went to Maxwell St Days, and they had Spiderman mints - for a QUARTER! Then, I had this weird dream. I dreamt that I was staying with this family, and their children had very disturbing relationships with each other. Then, I started to realize that their strange relationships were paralleling those between Great Britain, Germany, and Russia leading up to and during World War II. Then, I freaked out - "Oh, my god - history is repeating itself; I must DO something!" Then, I realized that I was just dreaming, and it was a very foolish dream indeed. I woke up. The end.

Ducks in a row ho hoooo!

Check out this line of vibrators. That's right. These are sex toys by "I Rub My Duckie."

There's also I Rub My Wormie:

I wanna be your koi toy:

And my personal favorite:

They're flyin of the shelves, my friends! Get 'em while they're hot!

Friday, July 15, 2005

Hello everyone

Hi guys!!!! How is everybody? Just wanted to say hi. Have to get back to work.

see now . . .

I guess the trick, then, is to actually get you guys to post.

Tell me, oh bito and mr. funk--what is this tassel of which we speak?

And you, dear jo--where is this interesting post we have been waiting for?


(or, probably more accurate, I want to know . . .)


Thursday, July 14, 2005

Bizarro world

In bizarro world, evil Spock has a beard.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Ode to ebay

i was gonna write something clever, like a haiku or a little limerick, but i'm stoned and andy keeps bugging me "grhabljgh grablljshg need computer! bhegjorbogoo . . ."

so this is all i have for you:

a feast for the eyes

Hey there everyone... am i doing this right? lemme just try it and then if it works i'll post something actually interesting...

. . . ok, calming down . . .

I've recovered from my initial panic attack, and I think it'll be ok. I wrote my supervisor a nice email about how we both screwed up and how I was going to fix it.

whew! Thanks to Andy for that one. He gave me the great idea of how I would save the day: colored tape with which to label databased and non-databased insects. That boy deserves a great big gratifying slap on the ass.

And maybe a few good gropes.

Dammit Dennis! Where are you when Andy needs you?!



. . . fuuuuuuuuuck . . .

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.


I'm so fucked.

email from supervisor: "I have been looking all over for 3 Euphilotes bernardino that I collected in the Sunshine Peak area. I have been through my freezers several times searching for them. These butterflies are extremely valuable and were not recorded on your list. I have been searching for Euphilotes bernardino in the Bullion Mountains since about the mid 1980s or 20 years ago . . ."

Luckily I have them, but the fact that I didn't put them in the database is really really bad, since I also missed some other butterflies he called me about on Monday. And now that I'm looking a little harder, there's quite a bit more that I missed . . .

This is the project that I was supposed to have done 2 weeks ago.

Why did he have to sneak these in while I wasn't at the lab??! He didn't tell me about them, or even tell me to watch out for them or anything!

And now i'm fucked bcz the database looks shoddy.

I mean, he's the fucking butterfly expert. Why didn't he keep all the butterflies and pin them and ID them himself?

But that's besides the point now. It actually is my fault that I didn't go back and look at them, and that there were actually ones that I pinned that I never got IDs for and thus didn't add to the database . . .


Hello, my pretties


You guys have made me sooooo happy!

Seriously, I really didn't think that the blog response would be so big.

But here you all are!

We are so fucking awesome.


Tuesday, July 12, 2005


well kids.

we made it.

Its about time we got a blog for ourselves! we deserve it!---props to Jess for setting this up and sending out the invite.

and i promise for all my fans out there, i'll make renewed efforts to update all 3 of my blogs...i've been quiet distanced and lazy lately.....and also....there is NOTHING to do is Sun Prairie.

and in that spirit,

this is so fucking true.

this blog was a GENIUS idea, so let's all post a lot and continue to stay in touch and entertain each other as long as we shall all have internet access, ok?

Mark's tassel is the Belcher family concubine, or so it would seem

So, the problem with the tassel is: my mother has it. As bad as I am about staying the same temporal scale as the rest of the world, she is worse. It was a sore lapse in judgement on my part when I took her word for it that it would be mailed "right away". Because, in point of fact, she never mailed me anything that she said she would mail back "right away" within three or four months, until I started sending her pre-addressed, pre-stamped envelopes with things. I don't know how much it would cost to mail the tassel, so I will use the only other option that has ever brought my mother to be punctual: my father. I'll email him right now, and the tassel will be back in Madison within 12 days at the latest. I'll call mom, too, for the hell of it.

prepare yourselves for the best news ever . . .

Did you prepare? I'm serious. It's important.

The Garbage Pail Kids live-action movie, voted WORST MOVIE EVER by everyone who lives in my apartment . . .


That's right. Garbage Pail Kids. It's so bad, it's completely intolerable. I mean it. There is nothing in this world or under this world that could be or has ever been as bad as this movie. For that and only for that reason you have to watch it, or at least die trying.

Add it to your Netflix queue! Rush out to 4-Star video!!! do it NOW!!!

Adventures in Car Buying

This is a post I'd previously left in comment form on Stephs blog. But I figured, since I'm using my old blog now, that I'd move it here. I only made a few changes, and updated a couple things, but it's mostly unchanged. Anyways here it is:

As some of you may know, I've been in the market for a good used car for the past few weeks. I did finally find one--a 2002 Chevy Prizm, which I've already nicknamed the Asian Anonymous (eh, Dennis and Jo?) bcz it's actually just a Toyota Corolla with a GM label--pretty literally. But before finally finding the perfect car (it's even Asian American like me!), I had to put up with crappy cars, creepy salesman, and even getting trapped inside a hot broken car with the windows rolled up!

It all starts with a little black Toyota Corolla that we test drove a few weeks ago. This was the first car I went to go see and would probably have bought it--that is, if the engine hadn't been shaking and the check engine light flashing . . .

When I asked the car salesman about the light, he just goes, "oh! that's normal!"

us: *skeptical look*

dealer: "come on! it's a Toyota! they last forever!"

Which as a general rule is pretty, true. However, all bets are off when the engine is shaking, wouldn't you say? And the check engine light flashing is normal? Sure buddy. If I ever decide I want a $7000 vibrator that doesn't get me off as much as it makes me fear for my life, I'll let you know.

Luckily we had another car to see that day so the 40 mile trip wasn't a total bust. This one was a Toyota Camry for sale by private seller, and man was it a nice car. We checked it out pretty thoroughly; opened and closed all the doors, got in and out, looked in the trunk and under the hood. Everything looked great! So we took it for a test drive, and all the while kept asking the guy questions. “So, has this car ever given you any problems? How often did you get the oil changed? How often did you have to get it serviced?

Said he: “oh no, no problems. It’s a good car.”

Me: “Did you ever have anything fixed or replaced?”

He: “no, just the tail lights . . .”

Andy and I: *sigh of relief*

He: “ . . . and the engine.”

Us: " . . . "

Needless to say, we never called him back. Still, we had one more dealership to visit before going back home for the day. When we arrived, there was NO ONE on the lot. But the minute we got out of the car and started walking towards the showroom, like 5 guys in dress shirts and casual slacks came pouring out the door to shake our hands. Slow day, I guess.

Luckily we had an appointment with the least threatening of them, so when I asked for him, the other 4 guys slumped back inside with their heads down. He showed us around the lot and we test drove 2 cars, neither of which were any good, and finally it was time to try and get us to buy. So in comes the "closer"--a term which refers to the guy they pass you to when they know you don't want to buy just yet. This is the super-high pressure salesguy, in this case, the manager.

So he comes up to us in his blue silk shirt and offers us his hand. And he's all, "I'm the manager, and I'm desperate to sell you this car! It's been a really slow day, so I'm ready to offer you a really great deal on this car! So this is it guys, you know, I'm dropping my pants here. Are you ready?"

Us: "uhhh . . ."

Him: "Well here goes: $8300!!! come on! Whaddya say?!"

Turns out I had written down the model name and fair market value price, and this guys "fabulous" deal was actually $300 above the car's true value. Poor salesman. Wanted to drop his pants and bend us over his knee for a spanking; we wanted him to grab his ankles.

So it was back to work. I searched out a couple more private sellers, and found one that sounded really good: it was a 2002 Corolla with only 62,000 miles for $6500. Everything was right about this car, and when the time came I made an offer to buy it, so long as I had a chance to take it to a mechanic and make sure it was in good condition.

Well, we did take it to that mechanic, and it's a damn good thing we did. Turns out the car had been in an accident; the front passenger wheel came from a junkyard, and the alignment was way off. But even worse than that was that there was NO OIL IN THE ENGINE!!! "Oh, they must've shortchanged me when i got my last oil change!" said he. "This car is a good car! It doesn't burn oil!"

I don't think he realized that burning oil wasn't the biggest problem w/ having no oil. Remember the Camry I just told you about? You know, the one where he had to replace the engine? Yeah, that's because he didn't have oil in it. Not having oil in the engine of your car can seriously damage it, taking 100k or more miles off it's life, if not completely destroying it as in the case of Camry guy.

The mechanic set us back an extra $75, but it did save us a lot of money and headaches in the long run, so it was money well spent.

After that, it was "back to the drawing board," as my dad would say. I looked up some more cars on Auto, made some more phone calls and set up a few appointments, most of which I didn't show for. I got a couple calls from some of these dealers, and had at least 2 of them ask me if they needed to talk to my mom first (i guess i sound really young). But one call stands out from all the rest. It went a little something like this:

dealer: "Hello Jessica! You sent me an email about a 2000 Corrolla?"

me: "yes."

dealer: "well, it's still available."

me: "great! Um, I'm at lunch right now and can't write down--"

dealer: "Do you have a phone number I can reach you at?"

me: "well, I'd prefer you contacted me by email so I can get all the information--"

dealer: "Why, Jessica!!! I'm a married man!!!"

me: " . . . ?"

dealer: "I'm not going to call you for a date, we just keep it in our records in case we sell the car or find something else to your liking . . ."

me: " . . . "

Yeah, that's one of the ones i DIDN'T go see. What a creep . . .

One of the ones I did go to see (and now wish I hadn't) was on a dinky little lot next to the freeway with spare parts strewn here and there and a glorified toolshed for an office. There was probably about 20 cars max, and literally NO ONE outside on the lot. I spotted the car I was interested in and checked it out from the outside, making sure it hadn't been in an accident or anything (ha, i'd learned that lesson all too well) and it looked fine, but still no salesman.

Finally I went up to the toolshed to see if i could find him, and there he was, on the phone and totally oblivious to me or anything going on with his cars. Without getting off the phone, he handed me the key to the car and told me he'd be right out. So I go over, open the door, and get inside.

Now, as you may already know, I'm in southern California. Southern California is hot. Really really hot. If there weren't ppl here to water their plants, SoCal would all be desert. Anyways, you get the idea. It's hot. And inside the car, well, it's really really hot. All the same, I get in the car bcz i want to make sure the air conditioning starts working right away.

So, i'm in the car. I turn the key.

Nothing happens.

I turn the key again.

Still nothing. Not even a sound that says the key is in the ignition.

So, i think, what the fuck? Would this guy really show a car that doesn't even start? Let's see what happens when I close the door and then try starting it.

Bad idea.

Not only does the car not start, none of the power is working. And the windows are power windows!

I open the door to get out,but it doesn't open.

Holy crap, the handle's busted!!!

Did I mention that it's REALLY FUCKING HOT in Southern California??! Well, it's even hotter when you're trapped inside a hot car in the parking lot of a dealership while the only dealer is inside his toolshed on the phone!


Meanwhile, the guy is still in his toolshed on the phone . . . and it's not till a good 5 minutes later that the guy fiiiinally comes out, still on the phone.

says me: "um, your car won't start."

dealer: "oh, well, it must be a safety feature . . . " and he gives me a reassuring wink and proceeds to turn the headlight switch on and off, and move the blinker back and forth. "umm, just a minute."He gets out of the car and returns shortly with a battery jumper. He hooks it up and this time it starts. "Well," he says, "i don't know how I overlooked that. Well, I'd be happy to put in a new battery; cover my bases an all."

says me: "um, the door handle's broken too."

dealer: "oh. huh. that must've happened when i showed the car the last time. I've only had this car for a week . . . well I'll order that part right now . . ."

says me: "yeah, I couldn't get out."

dealer: "ohh . . . well, i'll go ahead and fix this battery. feel free to look around and let me know if you see something else you like . . ."

me: " . . . "

When I got back, I made sure to draw a very big angry face >:( on the listing I'd printed out for this car. Andy found it later and thought it was really funny. We had a good laugh.

I don't think I came across anything quite as bad as that last car, but I did show up to test drive one car that the guy had said he was in the process of fixing the headlight on--only to find that he'd also removed all the upholstery on the ceiling and the visors and rearview mirror. "I was hoping to get this all done before you got here, heh heh."

I guess the upholstery had come loose and was sagging in front, and also the car had cigarrette burns in the seats, and the screws that keep the inside of the trunk from flopping over to reveal the tail lights were missing.

dealer: "the screws probably got stolen at the auction. You know, when i buy these cars they sometimes have minor work that needs to be done . . . "

me: "are you gonna replace them?"

dealer: "well, it's no big deal . . . doesn't affect anything . . ." so in other words, no.

I test-drove the car anyways, since he promised to get all the other stuff fixed (except the stereo; it was missing pieces and thus didn't work, "but that's why i didn't advertise it as having one . . ." *sigh*, whatever buddy).

It drove ok and was really cheap, so I did consider buying it, but I decided to look at a few more cars.

I went to one more pretty typical high-pressure dealership. Turns out they'd already sold the car I came to look at, but they had me run around looking at several of their other cars for a few hrs anyway. They had me look at one that they knew was out of my price range, but I test drove it anyway, and it did seem like a nice car. Anways, they tried to sell it to me for like $10,000 and i was like, "actually, i'm looking for something closer to $7000 . . ."

They passed me between 5 different dealers, each one trying to get me to buy their stupid car, and eventually they offered it to me for an out-the-door price of $8500, at which point i said "thanks anyway, i'll think about it." and I could just feel the alarm bells going off in their heads: *don't lose the customer! don't lose the customer!*

"Well," they said, "let us show you a different car . . ." and were gonna start the process all over again, but luckily the "different" car had already been sold, and I was able to escape.

In any case, I did end up buying a car at a different dealer. He seemed pretty cool and didn't fuck around wasting my time on what we both knew were bad deals. So I felt good buying from him, and overall I'm pretty happy with my purchase, tho I did have to spend an extra $400 right off the bat for routine maintenance and get a wheel cylinder leak fixed (but luckily that was covered by the dealer) and don't get me started on insurance out here-- i mean, $900 for one measly car for 6 months?! What kinda bullshit is that?!

But that's enough of that. The best part now is all the dealerships that have still been calling me since I bought the car. Most of them were just like, "oh, well great! Good luck!" *grumble grumble*. But remember married guy? Well, he called me back and the conversation went something like this:

dealer: "Jeeeesssica! It's me from Blehgiljbajgleh (i don't remember) Toyota!"

me: "oh hi. I bought a car already."

dealer: "EEEEEEEK!!! JESSICA!!! You didn't come see me!!" *sounds hurt*

me: "sorry!" *puts hand over mouthpiece and busts up*

dealer: "well, next time you or a friend are in the market for a car, make sure you come here first."

Ahhh. Sure I will, married guy, sure i will.

Hi! I'm Andy!

Hi! I'm Andy. I suck! I need my girlfriend to check my email for me and to sign me up for craaayzee stuff like "Ph. D applications" and "job search engines" and even these new fangled things called "blogs."


I pick my butt and sniff my fingers!!!

First blog ever!

This is my first blog ever, and my first post. How exciting! Thank you, Jess.

Now, featuring the Bito!

Bito has been added as an author! Weee!

If you want to post too, please email me an let me know.