Tuesday, April 25, 2006

A party to dwarf all parties

So . . .

Steph saying this week was hell for her, plus the fact that Panda is graduating this semester,

Plus the fact that we missed Halloween,

Plus the cosplay birthday party I'd planned on having on my return never happened, and Andy's birthday weekend was swallowed by my brother's birthday as well as Andy's nephew's,


Thats right, ladies and gentlemen. It's time to start planning for the END OF SEMESTER/GRADUATION/HAPPY UNBIRTHDAY COSPLAY PARTY EXTRAVAGANZA!!!!

So who's in?

I think we should plan for the weekend of the 13th, or the 19th. I know I've got crap going on Memorial Day weekend, as does Andy, so hopefully those 2 weekends are good. It's almost a month in advance too, which is good for me as far as making plans, so hopefully it's good for you too. I really really want to see this happen so lemme know what your plans are.

BTW, for those of you interested in comics and the like, there's a short-term exhibit at the Milwaukee Art Muesum that's all about Comics starting this Saturday. I'm planning on going w/ Andy and taking my brother, but if anyone has the time to join us, that'd be way cool.

Monday, April 24, 2006

It's how you know he's evil

Happy birthday, evil Andy.

BTW, we're thinking of coming to Madison this weekend to celebrate. Which is a better day for everyone, Friday or Saturday?

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

New background

As much as I love Jo and believe she deserves lots and lots of blog time,

it is time for a new background.


There's more animatronic mayhem to be found here

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

We're Pretty Much All Fucked

Look what they've come out with now you guys.......be on your guard!!!

Monday, April 10, 2006

Benevento Russo Duo!!!!!!!!

So, for those of you I haven't told yet, the band that made my absolute favorite album of last year (now, I wouldn't say it's the best album, fyi, but I really enjoy it) is coming to the Terrace tomorrow, Tuesday, night, at 9:30. I have to close Best Buy, but, by jiminy, I'll make it to that fucking concert, even if I have to burn rubber the whole way back to see the last five minutes. You can learn more about them at their website, www.beneventorussoduo.com, or their label's website, www.ropeadope.com. They're sort of a funk/free jazz combo, with one guy on drums and the other on keyboard. Considering, their sound is actually fairly diverse. Anyway, since I work from 8am-(10pm?) tomorrow, I wouldn't bother calling or emailing me if you're interested, but feel free to show up. Hey, it's free. ;)

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Someday I fear I will be rescued from the boredom line....

Man you guys. I'm so bored. All the time. Just so you all know, the majority of my time not spent at the nat practicing kendo is spent in my house, sitting on my ass, doing nothing. And it's terrible. I always thought that doing nothing would be everything I dreamed it could be, but it isn't. It sucks. On Monday I retied my kendo stick and watched the first 8 episodes of Cowboy Bebop. On Tuesday I went to watch the sunset then came home at about 7:30 and was so bored I decided to warm up by laying in my bed and I fell asleep til 9:30 then pretty much read a volume of manga and did nothing until I went to bed again at 1:30. This HAS to stop...I'm even tired of watching anime and playing video games.

The point of all of this is......if any of you are ever doing ANYTHING (especially anything that doesn't cost money since I can't get paid OR go to work right now) call me....cause I can almost guarantee you that I'm NOT doing anything.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Remember my roommate?

Hey you guys... remember my roommate Kathryn? Well, she's getting married to her long-time boyfriend in September... hopefully i can use my vacation days by then and go to the wedding... the wedding is in MN so i might be able to take a trip to Wisconsin and come see some of my fave folks! But nothing is for sure at all... we shall see... but i'm seeing a glimmer of hope... i need my Madtown fix!

Jess, remember how u went with me to Sara and Sean's wedding? Wanna come with me to this one, too?! I hear the reception is at the same place! hahaha! i miss u all...

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Let's Hear it for Love!!!

OK! I know this is super short notice, and that no one ever reads this on the weekends, but I'm hoping that at least SOME of you are around.

The event! SMOKING POPES!!! (who broke up in 1998!) are playing at the MU Rathskellar tonight. They're Chicago based umm..."punk". Sound a lot like Alkaline Trio and write a lot of bitter songs about love, girlfriends, relationships, etc. The title of this post is the title of my favorite song.

Anyway...I'm going with or without all of you, but call me if you're up for a good time.