Thursday, July 28, 2005

Amusing things that happen at 710 E Johnson St, Madison I wanted to take a minute to laugh at the sad hilarity that is Bito's and my roommate (the other one). Like Bito keeps saying...we can't describe it, you have to experience it for yourself. Well, have experienced it. I know that I, for one, was having difficulty containing my laughter when she said directly to you that she and I were moving out because we "hated one of our roommates" (meaning Araby of course), and then when you told her you had lived with Bito, made a half hour worth of pathetic attempts at covering her ass. Freaking hilarious....for real. Man.....nice to know that when I get back from this weekend, she will, for all intensive purposes, be gone and I can go back to maybe hanging out with her once and a while and not having to control myself so I don't laugh when she spends half an hour bitching about all the things "other people" do and expecting me to agree with her. She's a trip man, I don't know how people get like that., that's my piece for today. Welcome to John as well!!!

Off to reminding myself yet again that I am and forever and ever and ever will be the shining star of my family....



Blogger Dragonslippers said...

lol--oh man, sari, i meant to talk to you about that...yeah...did you see how i pretty much gave up trying to enter into that conversation? yeah, what a nut.

i didn't like the way she went on about araby but at the same time she didn't strike me as the type of person that one could really argue with using logic and common sense and win...just my impression...

Not to mention that when she first saw me in your house she gave me a "who the hell are you" look which didn't seem exactly friendly.

have a good time in Milwaukee and i'll see you on Monday for the final 2 dvds of GiTS: SAC, ok?


7/28/2005 8:15 PM  
Blogger Queen Jezebel the Wicked said...

lol that sounds hilarious.

who is this girl? Is she the one i stole the christmas ribbon from?


7/29/2005 10:56 AM  

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