Saturday, August 02, 2008

wow, it's been aaaages since i posted!

I'm goin to Otakon next week! I'm going to be yaoi Shikamaru and andy's going as yaoi Asuma and Steph's gonna be Gaara (yes! steph's coming to visit me too!!!)

So I'm excited about that, and I'm seriously seriously procrastinating on my paper that's due tomorrow. Ugh, I have to get a B in this class or else I'll get rejected by nursing school. So... I should probably go do that....

Hope everybody's doing good.


Oh, they have this site and facebook blocked at my work so I can't keep in contact as much, but maybe when I'm back on a part time schedule and going to school it'll be easier. I'd like to revive this blog but it's hard when you've got studying to do and no access at work...