Tuesday, July 19, 2005

yeeerrrnnnoooooiiii doont know?

Honestly, do you really think I'd make a life decision like moving somewhere I've never been without waiting till the week before I have to leave?

You know me! Procrastinate procrastinate . . .

Yeah, so Andy talked to the professor in Texas, and is going to try to start his Ph D program there in mid October. Which means he's got a little bit more time (not like August 29th as it was gonna be before) and altho I believe he'll be able to finish (KEEP ENCOURAGING HIM!) there's still a possibility that he won't be done. That is a bad bad possibility, bcz it would mean he'd be screwing over the Texas guy. And trust me, that would just be bad.

So yeah, basically he has to finish so he can move to the 9th circle of Hell in the name of higher learning.

That said, I have a job here in CA at least until the end of January. However, if it becomes economically infeasible for me to stay here till then (i.e. andy and the roommate moves out and i'm left paying the $950/mo rent myself) I'll quit and move.

But to where, you ask? Well, the fuck if I know.

As much as I hate Texas A&M without actually ever having been, I hear that getting an MS in Entomology there is pretty easy, and being the sorta-ambitious-but-not-interested-in-working-hard kinda person i am, this isn't such a bad option.

However, the fact that I hate Texas A&M with all my heart without actually ever having visited also leaves me with the desire to avoid it at all costs, and coming back to Wisconsin for an easy lowlife job that I can do while taking classes for recreational purposes is also a very plausible option.

Tho, it hasn't been helping that my mom has started badgering me about when I'm going to get married every time I talk to her. God, I wish she'd leave it be. I mean, does it sound like we even have time to think about getting married, much less make plans for it? And what about money? Andy's been below the poverty line since he left home, and I just bought a car that cost me over half my life savings. If she wants me to get married so fucking bad, she sure coulda helped by sending me $ for my birthday instead of my old mail (or hell, even along with my old mail, but just old mail? what the fuck?!)

I mean, just think about it. I go to Texas w/ Andy, she keeps badgering me ("YOU HAVE TO GET MARRIED IF YOU'RE GOING TO LIVE TOGETHER!!!"). I go home, she'll keep badgering me ("YOU LIVED WITH HIM, ARE YOU GONNA GET MARRIED NOW OR NOT?!") except now she's closer so she can do it more often.

I wonder tho, bcz you know how some states have that weird law that you can't legally live with someone unless you're married? If any state has that law on the books, my guess is Texas is one of them. So in that case, we may actually have to get married.

And, it's not like we don't want to get married . . . eventually. I just dont understand why it has to be NOW, you know? I mean, what the fuck does it actually matter? We're the same people now and we'll be the same with rings on our fingers (lol not that we can even afford rings . . .) And why does it have to be my parents or the state i live in that dictates whether I do get married or not?! SOOO IRRITATING!!! GAH!

*composes self*

So, as you can see, there's a lot of things up in the air right now, and none of them are going to be decided until I absolutely have to decide. And honestly, I like it that way. I mean, what's more exciting than not even knowing what state you'll be living in in 4 months? Who knows? Maybe I'll take one of those Hawaii internships after all. Or maybe I'll say "fuck this" and teach English in Korea for a year. Why not? I can do whatever I want.

. . . except not get married. God, I don't want to answer my phone anymore!

So, how many of you would like to/can afford to come to Las Vegas for the cheesiest wedding you'll ever attend?



Blogger Queen Jezebel the Wicked said...

lolol that would be PERFECT!!! Dresses with poof sleeves as big as my head have always been a must for the perfect wedding in my mind (ref: old drawings--you know the ones, Jo!)

But yeah, marriage is too fucking complicated. I want to do something cheap and silly, like have one of those drive-thru weddings they have in Vegas, and basically just have a big party. But i guess i gotta think about andy's and my family.

The weird thing is, mom likes the idea of me getting married in Vegas; I guess it's fast and cheap, so it's practical, and so long as her daughter is getting married, I don't think she cares much.
On the other hand, with Andy's family there's no pressure for us to "hurry up," but I think they'd be upset if we didn't take it seriously. Plus, there's some weird dynamics w/ his extened family where some of them weren't invited to Andy's brother's wedding, so they were kinda peeved . . .

Basically it all amounts to WAY TOO MUCH STRESS for me.

And unfortunately Sarah, with my mom you'd have to be Jesus himself to get the point accross to her that marriage is overrated. I mean it. You would literally have to be Jesus, and tell her in a dream that she should leave me alone already.

Lol so unless you can turn that beautiful peach dress into a white tunic and leather sandals, gain some stereotypical jewish characteristics and grow a penis, you may as well not try. It would be a lost cause.

but if you can . . . ;)

7/19/2005 2:08 PM  

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