Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Thought I'd wish y'all a happy lots of food this weekend...and by that I mean Thanksgiving. I hate it when people say "Turkey Day".....what if you don't EAT turkey on thanksgiving. Some people have tofurkey, some people have ham, my friend Jessi's family has rock lobster. That's not turkey.....but, I digress (I just had 3 cups of coffee + Kahlua at the office.......I like this office). Regardless, everyone make sure to eat lots of food in celebration of this great country of gluttony. And if anyone happens to be in the Milwaukee area this weekend, give me a call!

Friday, November 09, 2007

As Per Request....

I'm posting.

I'd like to say, for the record, that I don't really post anywhere anymore. Nor do I live through facebook as I once did.......which is sad. Also, it's true that I don't really post, but it's not true that I don't write posts in word document form while I'm looking like I have something to do to fill the additional 7 hours a week I work now. I write them. I e-mail them to myself. And then I don't really ever get around to or feel like actually posting them. They'd go on my LiveJournal anyway.

I do update my website and the Nerd Blog occasionally though, so if you're periodically really bored and want to read about anime, manga, or video games, you can look at those I guess. I'm also finally getting around to writing dialogue treatments for the manga that Brian and I always conceptualized about myself.....but they also aren't posted yet. I'll let you know when you are so that all of you out there in boredom land can read them if you're so inclined. I have no formal training as a writer, so I'm sure they're not awesome. They just are what they are.

We have an html editor program at work, so if I could figure out how to write the countless anime and manga reviews that I've been meaning to post on the website without using reference materials, I bet I could get a lot more things done during the day.'s to never having any work to do on Fridays. If I make the window really small, it kinda just looks like I might be typing an e-mail, so maybe I'll post more often from work.

Love and stuff to all from increasingly cold Minneapolis. I'll be in Madison on a limited engagement for a few days in November, but most of that time is reserved for dog walking and anime club, so if you want to see me you'll have to come there.