Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Office Space

How is it going? I know, I finally made it. Jo, what have you been up to? I have been kinda lazy answering emails after a long day at work. Every since, my 24 th birthday I have been thinking about moving back up to the Mad Town because working for my brother blows. The stress is quite amazing and to make matters worse, the family discount on my salary is killing me. I could be making 3 times as much working at the Mall without all the stress of linux. I really struggled, trying to get the telephony card to work with the linux box. There were so many configuration files to look at, just to get it to dial out. At the end, I managed to get it work, which really pleased our customers, but it came at the price of my patience and mental health. Now, my next task is to read some 300 + user's guide for a huge switch and then configure it with our network.
What happened to my dreams of working in the field, observing and studying wild life (ie Prairie Dogs)? When did I become an expert on Linux and networking? I wasted so many semesters in the chem and bio labs for what? Learning linux and networking? I do not think so. I need to get out. I am living Peter Gibbons' life. It would be bearable, if I was dating somebody like Jennifer Ainston. Maybe, I will get my wish because if I am truly living Peter's life, I would be happy at the end.


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