Saturday, July 30, 2005


So last night, Andy, Ian (roommate's boyfriend) and I were all getting stoned. At some point in the night, Ian gets up, disappears for a while, then comes back in the room, sits down and says,

"i think i just had a seizure . . ."

Lisa (roommate) comes out of her room and is talking to him, and all a sudden his eyes roll back and he tips forward and starts shaking.

It passes after a little while, and he keeps saying he's fine and doesn't want to go to the hospital, but we're freaking out and saying, "no, you're going dammit" and so Lisa calls 911 from my cell phone and they put us on hold. In the mean time Ian starts convulsing again, so I run outside and start banging on ppls doors to see if they've got a land line we can call from. Of course, it's like 1am, and summer so most everyone has already moved out, and the only ppl home and awake don't have a land line.

finally, Lisa's able to get through and we call the paramedics. But by that time Ian is starting to come out of it and definitely starts looking better as the blood comes back to his face.

I guess he'd been smoking cigarrettes all day, which he doesn't normally do, so we think he just got nicotine poisioning. I guess Lisa had a similar situation where she'd smoked too much hooka and they had to take her to the hospital bcz her legs wouldn't stop shaking.

By the time the paramedics came, he was doing a lot better. They just checked his blood pressure and sugar levels and everything was normal. He opted not to go to the hospital with them (they kept asking us if we've been taking illegal drugs) but ended up going later w/ Lisa an hr after they left.

They were back home this morning, asleep, so I gather everything's probably ok, but I'm still kinda shaken about it. So scary.


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