Tuesday, July 19, 2005

whoa, whoa and whoa...

and no, i am not quoting keanu reeves after someone cuts in front of him in the bathroom line...

JESS! yes, i know how much a puffy wedding dress means to you... and if that's what u want, then u should have it! i mean, as much as big fancy wedding doesn't mean much to you, it still (hopefully, hehe) will be your only one, which means u should make it memorable... do whatever u want, but make it special...

as for your mom... she has to know by now that u... aren't really normal, hehe... at least by her standards... that goes for your opinions when it comes to traditions that everyone follows... so if she keeps pushing on it, that just means moms will be moms (as tom so eloquently put) and you'll just have to put up with it... i mean, if she hasn't gotten you by now, that probably means she never will, which just means u'll just have to take a deep breath and just humor her... i mean, she is your mom ^^


Blogger Queen Jezebel the Wicked said...

Thanks Jo.

I know I know, and I always DO humor her. But this is a little different: she's trying to hurry me into a life decision that we just CANNOT make right now.

Again, she's cool with me getting married in Vegas! In fact, she wants me to go there! I don't think she even cares as much if we do something cheap and silly. Sp that's actually cool. It's just that she wants us married NOW.

And while Andy's family is cool about not rushing us, I know they won't appreciate the crazy silly wedding I want (at least, not the grandparents). And, if we do have it in Vegas it's pretty likely that only Andy's immediate family will come, which means his giant enormous extended family will feel excluded and I don't want that bcz they really should be there.

And I'm not really getting any help or input from Andy either--not that that's his fault. Lately (and probably until he leaves for Texas) Andy's been spending 12hrs+ a day at the lab, which leaves us very little/no time to talk about making plans.

So that leaves me to singlehandedly plan a rushed wedding that probably my family, andy's family and most importantly Andy and I won't be happy about.

Grr, there's no end to the inconveniences rushing things would put us through. I mean, if Mom would just wait a little bit and quit pushing me every time we talk, there wouldn't be a problem. Again, it's not like we're not going to get married. We just don't have the time or money to rush it.

And right now, with my stupid asshole-for-supervisor job and Andy's deadline + moving to Texas thing looming over our heads, I just physically can't handle my her "being mom" right now. Even thinking about all the crap I'm gonna have to do is debilitatingly stressful.

I think i'm just not gonna answer the phone when she calls . . . I need a break.


7/20/2005 9:35 AM  

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