Wednesday, April 18, 2007

They overturned Roe v. Wade

Fuck Bush and the Supreme Court.

I am so fucking pissed.

And I'm going to a Planned Parenthood meeting on Friday.

I've never been openly socially active before, but its never to late to start.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

New Blogger is way lame and can kiss my half-korean ass

That said, jesus fucking christ has it been busy since i last posted!!

First of all, I'm soooo soooo sooo unbelievably happy for you Jo!!! I know you're gonna be famous worldwide someday ;)

Second, I'm so sorry to hear things didn't work out for you and Sol, Savav. Seeing how you'll be in madison tho, i'm glad I'll get a chance to see you and buy you several rounds of drinks at some point in the near future.

Man, this year so far has been so fucked up and crazy. I was planning on having a nice, small wedding, but somehow i got punched and kicked into a little ball of conformity, and now here i find myself myself knocked up with the bastard child of what looks like it's gonna be a nasty behemoth of the plain old stupid boring church wedding that everyone seemed to want for me but I would've rather aborted in a dirty dark ally.

and my korean grandfather died about 2 weeks ago. I didn't get to say goodbye and i'm never going to see him again.


anyways, the only thing that could make things better at this point would be if everyone who still reads this blog wants to party with me before I get married (Dirty Nurse party!!! Wooohoo!!!).

Oh, and we decided a date: Sunday, May 27th (2007).

Yup yup, that's when I'm getting married. And yeah I know, it's last minute I'm sorry, but what can you do? You know it's your favorite Jessism... :P

JO!!! Man, i hate to ask you to have to fly here 2x in the same summer. I really am sorry I didn't get my info to you sooner, but if you're coming in July I'll do whatever I can to be in town when you're here too even tho i'm moving to D.C. after the wedding. I don't wanna miss your visit for ANYTHING.

If it's the last weekend of July tho, i think my sister's in-laws are holding a second wedding party or something in Atlanta for their side of the family, which is kinda weird (and really dumb in my opinion bcz it was so fricken expensive the first time they got married; whatever) but it means I'm obligated to go. UGH. Anyways, just as long as I get to see u at some point i'll be happy. ^^

As far as dirty nurse party goes, let's see if we can do it the weekend before my wedding, like May 19th. I know Sauce, u said you'd be busy the whole Memorial Day weekend moving stuff for work, so lemme know if this works better for you.