Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Mark's tassel is the Belcher family concubine, or so it would seem

So, the problem with the tassel is: my mother has it. As bad as I am about staying the same temporal scale as the rest of the world, she is worse. It was a sore lapse in judgement on my part when I took her word for it that it would be mailed "right away". Because, in point of fact, she never mailed me anything that she said she would mail back "right away" within three or four months, until I started sending her pre-addressed, pre-stamped envelopes with things. I don't know how much it would cost to mail the tassel, so I will use the only other option that has ever brought my mother to be punctual: my father. I'll email him right now, and the tassel will be back in Madison within 12 days at the latest. I'll call mom, too, for the hell of it.


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