yeah...shiny vinyl alucard outfir from hellsing...this is only gonna last like a day though, oh well.
yeah...shiny vinyl alucard outfir from hellsing...this is only gonna last like a day though, oh well.
So you know, I'm back in Madison as of now.
I am 90% confident that John and I will be working this New Year's eve again. Man, once again, no hugs and kisses, preferable from girls, at 12:00am on New Year's day for John and me. That really, really sucks. I was hoping to see some of you guys this weekend but it may have to be next time.
sorry bout the late notice again, but yes I'll be in Madison tomorrow/later today.
I guess, they are putting us on their website... so u don't have to have KBS WORLD to watch us...
Yep you heard me.
Well, today was out first broadcast! The first of many... Jess, it goes out in L.A. but i'm not sure of the time exactly... it goes out worldwide at 3:45 pm Korean time... so it should be in L.A. at whatever time that makes it in L.A. but i heard that KBS AMERICA (the bastards) are gonna re-schedule it for some other time... since that would make it like 11 at night... anyway, so when i find out, i'll letcha know...
Yay! I'm finally home! It was a pretty uneventful plane trip, except for that the baggage lady at check in said my carry-on was too big (which it wasn't), and charged me an extra $80 for a third bag. It's such a load of crap. I mean, since when are you only allowed 2 checked bags, and since when can they only be 50 lbs each?! Grrrrrr. And to top it off, THEY DON'T EVEN GIVE YOU PEANUTS ANYMORE!!! WHAT THE FUCK?!!! All i got was a lousy can of soda!!! CHEAP BASTARDS!!!!
.....thanks to "Divine intervention" from my random internet friend who I jokingly make stalker comments about cause he googled me even though I TOTALLY do that to people, I now bring you the man, the myth, the legend..........the guy on the bus:
So, many of you have heard these before, but I thought I'd list them on the internet for posterity. These are the possible slogans that Sari and I came up with for Visions, to be preceded by, "Stop on in for...":
SOOOO HARD TO DO WORK!!! I'm leaving in 26 hours . . . just 26 hours and I can't fucking wait any longer!!!! GAH!!! I JUST WANNA GO HOME!!!
deserves to be honored with a T-shirt. I mean, holy crap! Jesus is actually shooting nukes out of his fingers while the raptured Christians dance around giving each other high-5s!!!
This picture on how adults can reclaim Halloween for Jesus by dressing up like beloved bible characters also deserves a shirt:
"BOO! I'm John the Baptist, and these are my many exciting exploits..." (acutal caption from website)
I love it. I really love it. I almost shat my pants laughing so hard.
I need more help!!! This time with a completely non-school-related issue. This time with a boy related issue. A very good looking boy related issue.
And I got to stand on my desk chair and yell "I'm a golden god" cause I got the filters right in illustrator so everything isn't glowy white and looks like I intended it to look. Just have to add some text now talking about the urban vs rural problem and bay stuff. And make line breaks for the isolines. Gonna print it tomorrow and show it to TA to see what he thinks (though last time I did that I pretty much had to redo the whole thing.........but I don't think he could make me do that now, could he??)
Stanley Tookie Williams, the notorious Crips gang co-founder turned anti-gang activist was executed just a 1/2 hour after midnight December the 13th. Schwartzenegger valued politics over decency, and denied the man clemency saying it was because he wasn't completely convinced that Williams was reformed. Williams maintained his innocence to the end.
Ok, I have until Thursday at 5 to finish this, but that's really Wednesday cause on Thursday I have a stats presentation in the morning and a GIS exam in the evening that needs to be studied for. Now.....technically speaking as far as what needs to be completed, this is almost done. But I don't know if I like it. I think maybe it looks too cartoony. My TA suggested that I put the percentage farm AND the urban areas AND the Chesapeake Bay nitrogen levels all on one map. I personally think this made it look crappy. The colors in the nitrogen levels look AWESOME next to the flat grey counties, but when you add the green for the farm I HATE it. The farm map by itself looked AWESOME with the color scheme. With the blues I HATE it. Anyway, I'm gonna post it here (it's big and there's no text on it yet and the legend is wrong, ignore that) but PLEASE tell me what you like and don't like. Brutal honesty here people. I need to know. (Personally I still think it needs to be 3 maps, but I'm letting that alone. I stuck with my yellow urban areas instead of red cause GOOD GOD did it clash.) Any and ALL suggestions appreciated and taken.
Well, the unicorns had a run of only abt 5 days, but I thought I'd change the background to reflect the holiday season--and nothing says "Happy Holidays" like a guy on a bicycle playing the violin.
Yayayay!!!! I'm so excited! I'm flying in at 11:45pm on Friday the 16th (that's in 1 week aready!!! woohoo!!!) and i'm leaving at 7am on the 3rd.
So, I went to CALS computer lab today to talk to the people about a job, but apparently Lelah got the last one. Which is fine cause it’s my fault I’m slow or something like that, only now I have to find a job. Damn. And that one was perfect too. See, my dilemma is this. Since I have to do this giganto graduate project next semester which will likely require most of the daytime hours aside from the 9 that I’m working for TNC and the 13ish that I will be in class, I’ll probably have to get a job at night. This, obviously, seriously cuts into my homework time. If I had a night job right now I think I would die. Unless, of course, it were a night job where I got to sit in a computer lab. See, if I were in a computer lab (particularly one as little used as the CALS lab where I’d be in a separate room even and no one really comes in anyway so I could just sit there with Illustrator and make my maps to my heart’s content, it would be ideal. Cause there are jobs where you could work and do your homework, but when your homework requires the use of Adobe Illustrator you’re a bit more constricted.
hooray for trial and error!
Andy: "wha. . .?" *looks behind* "OH MY GOD!!!! HE'S WAVING AT ME!!!"
me: "oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit . . ."
me: *slams gas pedal to the floor*
Amazingly we survived, due to a lack of governance over speeding laws in California (unless you're black or hispanic--in which case it doesn't matter if you're speeding or not) and frequent changing of lanes.
It's life and death situations like these that really make you realize the value of life. In that instant when I peeled away from the intersection, all the times in my life where I'd thought "what's the point of living?" flashed before my eyes,
and I knew that I wanted to live.
Advanced Global Personality Test Results
Brown 60's go-go dress: $15 Pasadena flea market
early 70's vintage go-go boots: $25ish with shipping Ebay
Gold Dress: $2 Valentinos Costumes sale
Purse: $40 Pasadena flea market
early 70's vintage go-go boots: $15ish w/ shipping from Ebay
So... some of u may or may not know this... but KBS is bad for your health... more specifically, WORKING for KBS is bad for your health...
Really glad I won't be here next year, sorry for those of you who will. Way to eliminate one of the best uses of ASM money we actually HAVE.