Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Sorry.....I'll stop posting for a while

I need more help!!! This time with a completely non-school-related issue. This time with a boy related issue. A very good looking boy related issue.

Ack. Sorry I'm so insecure (a la online personality typing). Anyway.....if you get a second, click either the title link or the link below or the sidebar link to my blog and read away then comment away and help me out. Preferably before 9AM on Thursday cause I may get to have one more shot at it and if you don't help me out I'll most likely blow it again.

I'm so awkward.



Blogger Tom said...

What the hell???

So you like Asian boys? How come Araby never introduced me to you? I have to talk to Araby about this.

Tom's Characteristics:

1. 100% Asian
- 50% Laotion, 50% Chinese

2. Close to benching my own weight(178 lbs)
- I can only bench about 87-90% of my weight.

3. 18% body fat
- That's pretty good considering I like to eat and work about 9-11 hours during the weekdays.

4. Would not mind watching Anime.
- Favorite Anime movie is The Wicked City, although Princess Mononoke was not too bad either.

1. Despise "The Packers" (Mostly Brett Favre)
- I was born and raise to love the Bears
- Though, I do respect Brett Favre.

2. Spend too much time playing Madden Football 2005 on PS2, working, and working out.

Anyways, talk to the dude. If he is not a moron, then he will realize it's awesome that someone randomly approaches and starts macking on him.


12/14/2005 2:07 PM  
Blogger Queen Jezebel the Wicked said...

Dude Tom.

I'm pretty sure I borrowed the Wicked City from John . . .

and it's really one of the worst animes I've ever seen. I can see why you guys like it tho--sex, violence, tacky plot-- it's all there.

Hey! I should lend you my Battle Royale manga series--it's complete minus the very last book, which hasn't come out yet. It's chock-full of your kind of violence (the premise is that a class of 9th graders is selected for a brutal program that drops them on a deserted island and forces them to kill off their classmates until only 1 student remains), but it's really good, and so far not too much tack. If I've got room in my suitcases, I'll bring it home with me. Otherwise you'll just have to wait till I'm home on a more permanent basis.


12/14/2005 2:33 PM  
Blogger Ubiquitous Leader SK said...

GAAAA! Battle Royale!! GAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! Oh. So much random killing. SO much insight into the f-ed up way the Japanese look at themselves, society, and their culture.

Tom....I hate the Packers. Including and especially Brett Farve and the status that everyone in this state has elevated him to.

Also....I think with me you may have to do better than "not mind" watching anime. As that's pretty much what I do when I'm not wanting to shoot myself in the head because of school.

Also, also.......I think Illinois is a festering wasteland that should be removed from the map along with Iowa and Ohio. But that's cause I'm from Milwaukee and I was taught to be that way by my peers. I liked John just fine the times I met him so I'm sure you're not a typical Illannoying......but you'd have to put up with my Illinois jokes and me yelling things at cars with Illinois plates.

That sounded mean....I don't hate you cause you live in Illinois. I promise.

Also....I just started liking Asian boys. When you were around I didn't have any particular feelings toward Asian boys whatsoever. I don't know why we were never introduced. I met your brother.....

12/14/2005 6:01 PM  
Blogger Dragonslippers said...

dude tom(and john)....i still have your copy of Wicked City...though i confess i'm not too motivated to watch it, and as of yet have not seen it.

12/14/2005 6:09 PM  
Blogger Ubiquitous Leader SK said...

Steph....let's get drunk and watch it together. If we get drunk first it CAN'T be that bad.

Or, well. It can, but ideally we won't care as much.

12/14/2005 6:23 PM  
Blogger Queen Jezebel the Wicked said...

lol it can. It definitely can.

But you should still totally get drunk, because it will definitely help.

HEY! wtf-- I CAN WATCH IT WITH YOU GUYS!!! Yeah yeah!!! It can be the feature presentation of our BAD MOVIE MARATHON!!! Right now andy's being a good boy and making a bunch of dvd copies of our movies--i plan on giving a bunch to my sister and her husband for Christmas, as they're big bad-movie fans.

So I can't remember all the ones we'd planned to watch . . . i know JESUS CHRIST VAMPIRE SLAYER was definitely on the list, as was PRAYER FOR THE ROLLERBOYS, but i won't remember all of them till i actually go home and pack them.



12/15/2005 11:14 AM  
Blogger Ubiquitous Leader SK said...

Update: I saw the boy again today TWICE but not on the bus. Steph and Sarah Johnson were involved. I didn't talk to him.....good reasons. More details on my blog.

12/15/2005 3:11 PM  
Blogger da bito said...

LOL - Tom Bounthan Meksavan, not only did I try and arrange for you to meet Sari on multiple occasions, but I also invited you to sleep in her apartment on multiple occasions. Morever, I'm nearly certain you've met her at least once, through me, and the shadow of doubt on that memory is cast purely by my inebriation at those times.

Ikers, strike up a conversation with that boy about how funny it is that you keep riding the bus at the same time if you wish, but don't tell him he's hot. I'm basing this on the SLR I'm now creating for your love life regarding How Much of an Asshole the Guy Turns Out to be (Ai) vs. How hot he is in a preppy way (Hpi), with error ei:

Ai = (Hpi^3)*(e^ei)

Well, that's my mental estimate. I'll create a real one for you, if you want. I just didn't see the point right now, as I don't know how to post R output to the blog. Also, even if the relationship wasn't directly mentally estimated, the data would be. Plus, seriously, there's not even a scale for any of the terms! I would like to note that my estimate includes a very small variance for the Error distribution.

12/15/2005 4:08 PM  
Blogger da bito said...

I would furthermore like to point out that placing a "v" next to another "v" or a "w" in the verification letters SUX!!!

12/15/2005 4:09 PM  
Blogger da bito said...

goddammit - i'm 12 hrs late, anyway. but my point still stands!!

12/15/2005 4:11 PM  
Blogger Ubiquitous Leader SK said...

Haha yes bito, I know.

But things are still developing.

However.......update on the update:


But now the Gravitation analogy stands even stronger.

Why aren't I a thinker??? Why why why???

Maybe he likes non-intellectual and slightly immature girls...........maybe???

12/15/2005 5:03 PM  
Blogger Ubiquitous Leader SK said...

Araby. I just gave a stats presentation today. And if I learned anything from's that SLR is a shitty predictor of population as compared to a control when extrapolated out to 2030.

But....I'm SOOOOO glad you created me a model. Even if you don't really have scale. And I appreciate that you included the error. ALWAYS include for error when dealing with my love life. ALWAYS.

12/15/2005 8:19 PM  

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