There's a story behind this picture....

...and it involves the hot guy who's now in my stats class and at the time of this story was in my intro IES class as a supersenior just like me and got stuck working on a powerpoint presentation with a group of stupid freshmen who apparently don't know how to submit the text for their slides at a reasonable hour the night before the presentation is due. And, as such, we decided that we would just put slide titles on the slides (it was like 1AM btw and the class is at 8:50...AND I'd been out working at the Black Earth deer testing station all day long in the cold) and then google search for some pictures. And so, one of our slides was titled "Nutrient Cycling" and we google image searched it and THIS came up as one of the options. So we put it in. There was also something that we decided the picture we needed was from this study where they put spiders on acid and then looked at their webs. And other crazy stuff. And then we sent it to our TA telling him we had things ready for the next morning. We eventually changed it at like 2:30 when everyone's slides came in on e-mail, but Mark (our TA) was hella freaked out the next day when we had to present it in lecture and he thought it was gonna be that presentation.
And so......sometime I want Jess to use this as the blog layout. Cause it's freaking hilarious and it reminds me of such good times. There.....that was storytime with Sari for the night. Back to maps that need to be a lot more done by tomorrow than they are.
lol that's so awesome. It totally deservest to be the background.
I'm gonna give the unicorn a few more days in the sun, but come next week it'll be "guy playing violin on bike" weee!
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