Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Monday, March 27, 2006
i can't stand it any more more
I can't stand it any more more.
I can't stand it any more more.
It's my mom. She's driving me mad. I'm gonna go crazy.
Examples of things that anger me:
"jessie's getting too fat"
"Jessie, eat more pasta!"
"Jessie, don't bring any more of your stuff to our house. I don't want your mess."
"Jessie, i want you to help me paint the house."
"Jessie take AJ to Chicago."
"Jessie make AJ study."
"Jessie take your uncle out and let him practice for his drivers test in your car."
"Jessie make your uncle's resume."
"Jessie why haven't you applied to school yet?"
"Jessie why haven't you gotten anything done yet?"
Sunday, March 26, 2006
I'm an RPG!!!
So, I've moved from being an anime to the (elevated?) status of RPG. Though this has high potential for being an RPG-based anime someday. What am I talking about??????
Brian was watching an anime about middle school kids in which one of the boys was giving a mission failed status report on talking to a girl. And I decided.....man, I could have so much fun thinking about my interactions with certain people like that. And by certain people I mean, of course, certain people of the male gender....as they are the ones that would offer me the most hilarious material for analysis of interaction. And so.......as things tend to do with Brian and I.....this has spiralled out of control, and I have now created a blog site devoted to my alter-ego's adventures in "Shonen hunting" (Shonen means boy in Japanese btw). Each week (sometimes longer) Brian will give me an objective via e-mail, and I will post it in RPG strategy objective format on this blog. I will then have a set time to completion and have to report an analysis of the mission. WE find it amusing...we hope at least SOME of you find it amusing. You kinda have to know what's going on in my life, especially as it pertains to a certain guy (and maybe later we're throwing some Steve objectives in there), but you all know that if you want to know what the hell this is talking about you can just ask me.
PS...the first one is a dilemma much like Da Bito faced against WoW some time back. I don't want to post details online, so seriously, e-mail me about it....I'll be glad to share.
Here's the url if you're curious......the profile Brian and I made for my character is hilarious in and of itself. http://shonenmysteryquest.blogspot.com
Friday, March 24, 2006
I'm Free!!!
So, NO, I have not contracted the most horrible of STDs - a relationship. ;) I talked with Chad, and it turned out to be all a big misunderstanding, on both ends. I met up with him for a drink Wednesday night, and just interjected, "Hey, I can hold you to that 'I'm not looking to see anybody right now' statement, right?" He seriously affirmed. So, I reply with, "then I can totally ask out that guy from work, right?" He was cool with that, too. So, then I told him how awesome he was, and how relieved I was, and that I was still going to have sex with him that night. Then we both had a happy chat about how great is was to get that settled, and we did have sex. Twice. Man, my life is going GREAT.
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
"I...didn't know...I...couldn't do that..." ~Dave Chappelle
I guess the moral of the story here is: remember, girls, a condom will stop a guy's semen, but not his assumptions that you're dating. In other words, I think I'm seeing this guy. I went home with him a couple times last week, but we both said we weren't interested in starting a relationship right now. I, fair scruple-monger that I am, was telling the truth. Then, Friday, he invited me over to watch Goonies. Now, doubtful he would have been attempting a cute 80's cinema ploy to get me in bed; he was quite aware by then that seducing me is akin to adding the ever-elusive Carabidae to your 302 collection - easy to find, and even easier to stick. Err...moving on, I had a drink with him last night, and he started to mention how he's going to have to take me out to dinner at these various places. I agreed, because they were places that I like to eat, and because other people jumped in the conversation. Anway, he walked me out, gave me a kiss, and I'm starting to recover from the shock. Now, I'm fine with starting to date him, because I really like him SO FAR, but I'm going to have to explain to him that a week of getting along with someone fairly well does not validate planning dates for a month from now. However, despite my skepticism, he still makes my insides both fuzzy and achey, so I'm going to check out this whole significant other thing. I'm staying on the alert for any shenanigans, though, by Crum.
Monday, March 20, 2006
home again, home again, jiggity jig
i'm home.
it's pretty anti-climatic. I got home yesterday actually, but was really really tired so i just ate dinner, dropped andy off at his house, and then came home and went to sleep.
today got my car checked up and blew $330 for new tires and some other stuff, then went to andy's and started sorting our belongings from the moving boxes.
tomorrow will probably be more of the same, altho i'll have to think up something special to do for dennis-- HAPPY BIRTHDAY SEXXXYPANTS!!!
I think this weekend i'm supposed to hang out w/ the family, but I can't wait to come up to madison and see u guys--it'll probably have to wait till next week tho.
I'm kinda worried that i haven't gotten any mail. my car and health insurance info should've arrived by now, plus i'm still getting billed for internet at my old apt. in california, even tho I cancelled it. My phone is still acting weird and not letting me post pics too . . .
ugh so much to do. I'm already ready to go back on vacation.
Aj's taking care of his classroom's pet mice for his spring break. They're sooooo cute!!! I'm already devising a scheme where he can tell his teacher they all escaped so that we can keep them.
that's all for now my loves. Hope to see u soon!
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Better Days Ahead?
It is finally over with that Laura chick. I am still confuse on what happened. The girl have some major issues. Seriously, how in the world is she the victim in all of this?
I tried to be a nice guy by playing like nothing has happened between us and then she got bitchy at me. She acted like I am the bad guy in all of this. It serves her right that she gain 15 lbs in the last month.
Life after college has definitely been very stressful both professionally and socially. We should not even get into the work thing because you guys know my feelings on that matter. I thought being home again, all the crazy stuff would end. All those shenanigans I use to do in college are no longer in practice, yet the streak continues.
I keep findiing the weirdos, who either wants to be friends with benefits, have a dog that goes after your nuts, or give you directions to their house and then not be there. I rather have those college days back, where I plan and scheme because at least there is no hope in succeeding. NICE GUYS WILL ALWAYS FINISH LAST.
Jo, Korea really kicked the US butt the other night. They are good team. There is always next year- spoken like a true Cub fan.
Saturday, March 18, 2006
Triumphant Returning!!!
Man! Jess will be back. I will be back.
I think we should all go out. Jess....let us know when you're getting to Madison.
Other than that, anyone want to go out?? Karaoke Kid? Momo's for wine on Monday?? CBI/EssenHaus for imports and microbrews?? ANYWHERE I can get a Maibock??
I miss everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'll be back Sunday night.
Friday, March 17, 2006
all good things must come to an end
after an awesome 2 months of doing absolutely nothing, i'm on my way home.
I should be back by Monday.
more details of my trip will follow.
Thursday, March 16, 2006
John Meksavan!
So I'm assuming you are following the World Baseball Classic... Shouldn't you be thanking me right now.. or actually, more specifically... thanking the undefeated South Korean team for saving the U.S.'s butt by beating Japan?? heehee... I'm so proud right now...
Let's just see if the U.S. can beat Mexico today, shall we? ^^
Go Team Korea!!
Saturday, March 11, 2006
Off I go on Magical Adventures
Ok everyone. I'm leaving by 9AM on Sunday (tomorrow) for a 5 day trip to "Milwaukee but cooler"...St. Louis, MO with the family. Wish me luck. My phone works there if dad doesn't GLARE at me every time I answer it. I'll miss everyone SOOOOO much. I'll be back in Milwaukee on Friday and Madison most likely on Sunday....maybe Saturday.
*hugs to all*!!!! Wish Bri a happy birthday on Monday and Tuesday.
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
A declaration of adoration
I'd just like to take this small moment to declare my deep and undying love for our dear Dragonslippers on this public forum. Anyone knowing what the birthday present she got me that I waited in such eager anticipation for will understand why.
Thank you, that is all. You may all return to your days.
Monday, March 06, 2006
hehe YEAH~!
You Are Lemon Meringue Pie |
![]() |
What Kind of Pie Are You?
I'm pumpkin pie too!!! And it's delicious!
You Are Pumpkin Pie |
![]() You're the perfect combo of uniqueness and quality Those who like you are looking for something (someone!) special |
Friday, March 03, 2006
Hello from Arizona
From Arizona.
Last night while looking for our hotel we got lost and ended up on the London Bridge. Yes, it's THE london bridge. They actually paid some multiple millions of dollars to have the London Bridge deconstructed and brought to Lake Havasu Arizona.
I remember when I went to England after high school, the tour guide filled us in on the whole story; apparently when they made the purchase, they thought they were buying Tower Bridge, the famous London landmark. Little did they know that the London Bridge was just like every other bridge in London: dirty and in disrepair. I bottomed out my car several times by accidentally going above the speed limit of 5mph. Poor car . . .
Right now we're at Andy's friend Paul's house in Phoenix. We're gonna hang out here till Sunday, then head north to see the Grand Canyon and the Petrified Forest. From there we haven't made any definite plans--we're kinda figuring out our way as we go--but we'll definitely be hitting 2 creation museums, both in Texas.
I've been trying to post pics on the blog, but lately they havent' been working. I may just have to post 'em all once i get back home, but if I can I'll get them posted tonight or tomorrow while I still have guaranteed internet access.
Hope everyone's doing well. I'll see u soon!!! ^^
X-Sport Standoff
The tension is on now. I saw Laura last night at the gym. I am not sure what her deal is. The whole night she did not even make an effort to acknowledge my presence. Is she expecting me to say something to her? If anybody should say anything, it should be her, not me.
I know for a fact that she saw me at the gym. St. Charles do not have many good looking Asian dudes. Plus, Tom talked to her for a little bit. My gut tells that she is still embarrass about the whole thing. Unless, she is just being rude.
I am just so confuse about this woman. I will admit I still have a thing for her, but at the same time those ill-feelings are there. Maybe, I should just talk to her the next time she is there. If I do that, I should just Fedex my balls in jar to her doorstop. After all, I do know her address.
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
last post from the west coast
Hello my pretties.
Well, this is it. We packed our belongings onto a trailer, cleaned out the apartment, and now we're officially homeless.
I'm at the lab w/ Andy right now, who's tying up some loose ends while i check my email and get driving directions. We crashed at roommate Lisa's new place last night, and we'll probably do the same tonight, as I want to go to L.A. one last time to see Kelly and Amy, my friends from the summer I spent in Korea.
Tomorrow it begins--several national parks, 2 creation museums, and the open road. And then I'll be home.
It's on, bitches. Get ready to party.