Friday, June 30, 2006

Cali and the contest

So we made it to California!

Jess, Andy, and I got in with no problems, got our rental car (a hideously ugly cum-white PT Cruiser), and made it to Lisa’s house, where we are currently staying.

We ate at this amazing and cheap Thai restaurant and spent the rest of the day trying to survive 104 degree heat.

Now we’re getting ready to sleep so that we can wake up early tomorrow for the first day of the Anime Expo!

Also for you at home who are paying attention---we have put forth a contest. When Jess, Andy, and I go to the Expo, we are going to keep a tally of everytime a guy creeps out either Jess or I.

You all at home have to guess how many times we will get creeped out….hahaha. Just to be clear, the number with have to be for the total number of times both Jess and I are creeped out, and we will be attending the Expo for 2 days total.

and the prize is………………

a date with Andy.

Let the betting begin.


Hey everyone.

Sorry I've been not hanging out for so long.

But now.......I'm starting to get really dissatisfied with spending all my post work nights sitting on my ass in my house. I quit kendo....for reasons I shall not go into here. So.

I hope you can forgive me and embracingly welcome me back into the social circle.

Someone go to Gennas with me? Or the Dollar. Or various places like that.

I got a hankerin for some chill out social interaction. I do I do. Never thought I'd hear myself say this, but there's only so much anime a girl can watch.

Also....Brian and I are going to Japan August 4th. I will bring back presents. Hopefully (Bri's calling Japan when he wakes up) there will be a rock festival involved. How exciting is that????????????????

Sorry I shunned the circle in favor of idiocy......can I come back inside now??? :P

Lol I love you guys!

Tuesday, June 27, 2006


Hi all. Man, I haven't seen you guys for the longest time. Anyone want to go get a drink with me sometime??? I'm around. Working on my project and freaking out mostly. And updating my website.

Anyhow. Thanks to the wonders of Apex Property Management, I'm now conducting extensive apartment searches in my free time as well. This is the source of most of my freaking out.'s all about timing here. I'm going to Japan. August 4th to the 14th. I'll be back in Chicago at 3PM on the 14th and then have to do the customs thing and get myself back here. This means.....not moving out on the 14th. And so. I need to find an apartment that I can move into "leisurely" in the 3 days before I leave for Japan (meaning August 1st to the 3rd, of course). Anyone with a vehicle willing to help me do this will be greatly greatly greatly rewarded. And by this I mean.....I'll take all of you that I can get, AND, Bito...can we use your truck again??? Mind you. I don't even have an apartment yet. But. Never hurts to plan ahead. Who knows, maybe I'll get lucky and get someplace in the Hilldale area that's available NOW and I can take it even more slowly. That's ideal I think.

Other things. Does anyone have any boxes I can put my stuff in. The earlier I can be using my free time to pack up the tremendous amount of THINGS I seem to have accumulated over my time in Madison, the better. And....when they put in the new furnace, the heating company threw away all my boxes that were in the basement. Sari.....freaking out. OCD is out of control right now, kids. Out of control.

Speaking of things that are in my basement. Anyone want my old HP Pavilion computer. I'll give you the whole thing complete with original software. I installed Windows XP on it a few years back, so it's pretty up to date. It's got like a 20 gig HD and 128 megs of ram I think. I've also got like 2 printers if anyone wants those. e-bay they go. Then to the used computer place. Then to the curb. I'd like to see it find a new, good, loving home though....that computer (though my sworn enemy at times...) was a trusty companion of mine through good times and bad. It's not quite the "powerhouse of anime entertainment" that the current system is, but it'll run for you. Let me know. I take bids, but mostly I just don't want to move it any more.

I think that's all from the Sari front. Freaking out mostly. so much freaking out.

Hugs to all!

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Moving On

I just got back from the first ever Meksavan family road trip. Being stuck in the RV for 10 days with family can really be a challenge mentally, but I got through it. Of course, as soon as I got back the drama begins again.

When I was gone, the numbnuts (my workout buddies) did something involving Big Bird, the girl who blew me off earlier this year. This can only cause trouble for me. Mandy promised those numbnuts not to say anything because they wanted to see my reaction at first hand. I would have to wait until Monday to find out, 48 hours later.

On that Saturday night, I went out with Stacey's friends and one of the girls, who I just met for the first time happens to work for Big Bird's ex-employer. I am like what? According to my new drinking buddy, Big Bird quit her job to move to the Big Apple last weekend. How funny was that? We were going opposite directions, me west and her east.

I still need to confirm this with the numbnuts. Apparantly, on the day I left, she went up to my workout buddies and asked if I was around because she wanted to say GOODBYE. Why would she even bother after all that has happened between us? She still has my email address and cell number, so she can still do it. I highly doubt I will ever see or hear from this woman ever again. Oh yeah, I forgot we graduated from the same high school. The high school reunion should be interesting, if we both decide to attend.

In all honesty, I really wanted to end things with her on better terms. The last few months, we just said hello, nothing more. I truly wish her all the best and luck in the world with her new life. Despite all the negativity between us, I still consider her a friend and not an air-head bitch. Goodbye Laura.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

To da Panda, yeah!!

Ay! Ay! This here be a shout-out going to da Panda, because I don't know if I should call her at 1am on a Tuesday night...Also, because this will hopefully instigate other responses of love and admiration to our Panda, in far-away Sheboygan ("garrrr..."). Hey, how 'bout those wedding RSVPs, ay? Let's get those in before the 30th, kids. ;) The point here is: I'm momentarily drunk, lovin' da Panda, and wondering how Jo feels about the 2-1 win over Togo for South Korea in the World Cup, so everybody should just respond on whatever they feel needs to be communicated, regardless of relevance to those subjects (but da Panda and Jo had better respond, you hosers). Well, all you folkses had better be lovin' life, that's fur shore, and write more posts. Furthermore, to completely change the subject, I'm actually in the midst of founding a meaningful relationship with someone. He has the same insipid sense of humor I do (we spend most of our time drinking at dive bars; having sex; watching either arthouse/foreign films, B-action movies, or the CSPANs; talking about literature/life; or dryly sassing each other). We also unfortunately share forenames taken from Irish archaic region designations. With that, I mean, well...his name is Erin - like the arcane reference to Ireland or...err...the girl's name, yes.

Furthermore, Cemetery Man is the ultimate in disappointment. Don't be fooled by the promising premise - scene after scene are actually great joke after great joke bludgeoned by poor acting, contemptible cinematography, and the worst comedic timing I've ever seen. Anyway, guys, don't fuck any zombies, 'kay?

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

a student once again

this morning i went to WCTC to figure out my admission status and within half an hr was already enrolled in my first class: Medical Terminology. So far it's not so bad--there's a lot of memorization but I'm pretty decent at that so I'm not too worried.

I'm still not sure whether or not I'm going to be staying with WCTC for the radiography program, but at least i can get started on some of the prereqs. There's actually a really good program near Appleton that i'm more interested in bcz it has an option to take an extra semester for just CT, which is what i wanna do. Most CT jobs are "learn when you're hired" so i think having that extra semester would be really nice. Plus, i can stay w/ my sister up there virtually rent free (can probably get away with paying just utilities). So yeah that'd be cool.

Andy's applying to a shitload of jobs, and so far only covance has called back. I'd like to see if he gets the same job I applied for--it'd give me more reason to suspect my former supervisor of sabotaging me. I'm still bitter.

If he does get a job, we've talked about the possibility of getting married--for health insurance.

If that happens, rather than have a big ceremony, we were thinking of just having a house party--but not just any house party . . .


that's right. Should we decided to get married for health insurance purposes, we'll postpone the actual ceremony and dress up like extra special care givers instead.

even if we don't get married for the insurance, the party's still a damn good idea.

more details when andy gets a job.