Monday, April 10, 2006

Benevento Russo Duo!!!!!!!!

So, for those of you I haven't told yet, the band that made my absolute favorite album of last year (now, I wouldn't say it's the best album, fyi, but I really enjoy it) is coming to the Terrace tomorrow, Tuesday, night, at 9:30. I have to close Best Buy, but, by jiminy, I'll make it to that fucking concert, even if I have to burn rubber the whole way back to see the last five minutes. You can learn more about them at their website,, or their label's website, They're sort of a funk/free jazz combo, with one guy on drums and the other on keyboard. Considering, their sound is actually fairly diverse. Anyway, since I work from 8am-(10pm?) tomorrow, I wouldn't bother calling or emailing me if you're interested, but feel free to show up. Hey, it's free. ;)


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