Thursday, August 25, 2005

Today's experiment.....FAILED

So, guess who no longer has the job she assumed would still be there waiting for her after she worked there for 3 and a half years. That's right...ME!!!! Hooray. So I bike ALL THE WAY TO THE VET SCHOOL today and I go in to see my boss (who told me when I left that if I needed a job and I wasn't a student she would go so far as to CREATE an LTE position for me) and she's all acting like I'm not getting my job back like I assumed I would. So....that sucks. Now I have no job. Especially since the people from the Nature Conservancy who had a job that would make me like 80 bucks a week TOPS haven't even called me back. And so, I join the throngs of us on this blog who are unemployed. It's weird, cause it's been a few years since I was unemployed and the last time I wasn't paying rent cause it was the summer and I was living at my parent's house. So, not sure how I'm paying the $410 a month for rent and 10 for cable and 50 for phone. I guess I could take donations. Or go back to whoring except do it for money this time and not for crack. But I don't really want another little Hagen to deal is bad enough! Yeah, Bito and I can now apply for lab jobs together, or I can temporarily at least sell my soul to the retail corps. I filled out 3 applications today. Which brings me to potentially assuming the role of captain bad-idea. Two things I pose as questions to you all: 1. If I got fired from Urban Outfitters because I couldn't work enough hours cause I had 18 credits and a 15 hour a week job besides theirs, is it ok for me to now reapply knowing full well that I have nothing but time to work there for a while? Or, since they fired me is that TOTALLY off limits regardless of the fact that I didn't get fired for doing anything inherently wrong?
2. So I got an application for GAP on State Street. Now, some of you know this, but not all, but the boy I like happens to work there. HOWEVER! I didn't get the application because I knew the boy worked there, I got it because I think there's a good chance that if they have a job opening they will give it to me. I'm more than qualified and I'm more than their type of employee. So....thoughts on all of this????

Ok, but Bito is right and I should talk to the people in the forest ecology lab in plant path. Yay for forest ecology!!! Or potentially I can find a job at the arboretum, though this may mean more of the same things I faced this summer. Or else, forest products lab where I will watch millions of dead trees go by me every day. So....yep.

Any thoughts at all are much appreciated!!!!! Or if you happen to know of a job for me I'd appreciate that too!


Blogger Queen Jezebel the Wicked said...

that totally blows sar,

I too will be an unemployed blogger in just about 3 months, and i have NO IDEA what I'm gonna do after that. Steph was showing me some stuff about UW certificates, so maybe I could be a student again, but I highly doubt my parents will be too keen on supporting me again now that they've been rid of me for the past 2 years. Hell, they didn't even want to send me a real birthday present (unless you count my old mail, which i don't).

I guess I could take out a student loan, but that pretty much guarantees that I'm going to be poor for a very long time, esp. given that Andy is making negative money and will continue to do so till he gets his PhD 5 years from now.

So that leaves whoring. But to who? Ronald MacDonald?

Hopefully someone in the Entomology dept. will have pity on me and let me wash their dishes for $7.50 an hour. Or better yet, I get a job at one of those places that will reimburse me for my tuition. But where to find such a magical employment opportunity?

To get back to your situation, I don't know what the ettiquette is for re-applying for a job you'd previously been fired from, but my guess is that in your case it wouldn't hurt. I mean, what's the worst that could happen--they don't call you back?

As for the Gap job, how friendly are you w/ the Gap-store hottie? Does he know you're interested in working there? Maybe you can ask for his advice on your chances of getting employed--guys are suckers when it comes to helping out a hot girl ;) It should probably be easy enough for you to get the job without him, but this way you can get a job AND seduce him!

I say go for it! Then, if you find a better job you can always keep Gap-store hottie for yourself.


8/25/2005 3:22 PM  
Blogger Ubiquitous Leader SK said...

Thanks Jess!!! Words of encouragement appreciated! Man, this is like the 6th time I've checked the blog today. I need to find something to do!!!

Yeah. Student loans suck. Though I'm in a certificate program like Steph was talking about and my tuition is only like 3K. Which is a lot of money if you're unemployed, but not as much as it would be if you were going to real school. I hope SOME department will let me wash their dishes!!

As for my Gap store hottie. It's a long story. We've spoken, he's just moving here from Ann Arbor, and he seems all fired up to call me to hang out....except that he hasn't and it's making me freak out. I don't know him that well though, but my goal is that I will. Hmmm...I think I will still apply and then try to smooth talk my way out of it if he calls me on it. Bito and Bri know more about the situation......yeah. Well, I'm hoping to turn in applications tomorrow, so if anyone else has anything to add now's the time to say it!

8/25/2005 3:53 PM  
Blogger Josephine Lee said...

well, i'm all for the gap...

i've had very good experience with the hotties that work there... very friendly... of course, i have a feeling that both of them were gay... but again, very helpful ^^

and of course, if that doesn't work out, come to korea and make MAD BANK!

8/25/2005 5:52 PM  

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