Sunday, August 21, 2005

The Return of the 12-call Stalker

Ok everyone—most of you already know the story about my stalker….let’s call him "Sam".

(fading into the past music….dooddeeeddooeeee)

The story starts about a year before I went to Scotland, when I randomly ran into “Sam” walking around the UW Madison campus. See, when I was in high school in Sun Prairie, I had a huge crush on Sam, but didn’t have the guts to ask him out at all. Now, years later and at the college level, I felt way more comfortable with myself and took this opportunity to ask Sam out.

Sam and I dated for about….2 weeks before I decided that we shouldn’t date anymore…for several reasons…one of them being that Sam never had anything interesting to say… all.

Anyways, I do the passive-aggressive thing and just stop responding to Sam’s phone calls(I know, I know, I should’ve been more direct)…and that works just fine. We stop communicating, and as far as I know, we’re not seeing each other anymore.

Months later I run into Sam and he starts calling me again…this time I don’t return any of his phone calls at all…..eventually he calls me 12 times without me returning single one…finally I e-mail him and ask him to stop calling, as I wasn’t interested in dating him anymore, and anyways, I was going to Scotland. He responds, sounding a little hurt, but says he gets the message, and stops calling me.

(return to the present music…deeedooooddeedooo)

So, anyways, as the union last night, I saw Sam, and avoided him…..only to have him run up to me later in the night and be all, “hi steph ! how are you?! Wanna go out for a drink?”……at which point(now remember, I’m quite intoxicated at this point) I say yes, and then go off to meet with my friends at a table….at which point I relate all this information to said friends…and after getting advice from them, decided to tell “Sam” that I was too tired to go out for a drink. At which point, Sam gives me his business card and tells me to call him later that week.

The next day, I get this e-mail(copied and pasted for your viewing pleasure):
Hey Kiddo,

It was good seeing ya last night. It occurred to me that instead of making you send me an email to my work address, it'd probably be just easier if I sent you my new one. So, yep - here it is.

Hope you had a good time yesderday and in Chicago today. In case I don't catch you before classes start back up, have fun!


…..What do I do? It seems like history is repeating itself…..


Blogger Queen Jezebel the Wicked said...


Well, do you have any interest in having him as a friend or is it at a point where you just don't even want to see him ever again? Bcz if you'd still like to have him as a friend (albeit a distant one), maybe you could email him and say that you'll meet him only on the condition that he understand you are FRIENDS and nothing more. And perhaps then if you do meet him, you could do so in a setting where you're with all your friends, like, "well, I'm gonna be at such-an-such getting smashed with my friends and if you want you can meet me . . ."

Then again, if you want nothing more to do with him, you should probably let him know that too. It'll hurt him, which sucks, but, since it appears he is WAY TOO DENSE to figure it out on his own, how else is he ever going to get the message? All you can do is try to be as nice as possible while you're telling him that he really pisses you off.

lol, at least he hasn't sent you "friendly flowers" like the other "sam" . . .


8/22/2005 10:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you should tell him that you like girls.


8/22/2005 12:42 PM  
Blogger Sauce said...


You definitely got a stalker on your hands. Looking back on things, I should have never done the things I did to Lara (yes, I know it is shocking that I am using her real name). Then again, my stuff was harmless compare to this Sam character. I never called Lara, but I did goto her matches. Hey, I cannot let an opportunity of seeing girls in skirts running around and hitting green fuzzy balls. I did goto see men's matches too. Those days were fun.

I may have to agree with the notion of telling him that you are into girls now after spending a year in Europe. I think that should cut all ties with the dude.

8/22/2005 3:28 PM  
Blogger Tom said...

What da f--? How do you get a stalker? Man, I wish I have female stalker. Maybe I am not worthy of having of stalker? Then again, I have not really been lucky with women.

Talk to the dude. I am not sure if the dude got any closure from you.

So Sam does not have interesting things to say? How come? You guys don't have any common interest? Was this relationship a physical attraction type of relationship? I am curious as to how this ends so please tell us the outcome of this situation. Good luck!!!!

8/22/2005 3:41 PM  
Blogger da bito said...

Don't tell him you want him as a friend, and don't tell him you're into girls. Both of these are lies, and let's none of us contribute to the long tradition of molding relationships from bullshit, at least where it's easily avoidable. If you don't think he's become someone you'll actually enjoy spending time with, I think you may be able to just not answer his email, EVER. That last line looks like an out for you.

8/23/2005 10:29 AM  
Blogger Tom said...

Hi Steph,

I need a break from work, so I will comment on da bito's comment. I re-read Sam's email and it sounds kind of funny in a strange way so I think Araby might be right. I would not respond to his email. If he emails you two more times in the next couple of months , the last email does not count, I would ignore them and maybe block his emails. Sooner or later he will get the message!!!! Hopefully, you won't run into him anytime soon. If he keeps on bother you let us know and perhaps I will stop by Madison over the weekend and talk to the dude. He 's not that huge is he?

8/23/2005 2:42 PM  
Blogger Josephine Lee said...

oooh tom~ a regular knight in shining armor~

8/23/2005 5:55 PM  
Blogger Josephine Lee said...

and who the heck calls anyone 'kiddo' nowadays?? i mean, anyone besides your 80-year-old uncle??

8/23/2005 5:56 PM  

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