Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Women and their fascination for older guys!!!

Last night, I went to gym like I normally do on a monday night and talked to a couple a guys. One of the guys named John was telling stories about this one girl who is pretty hot and in damn good shape and wow, it was a bad story. I don't know her name but for right now I will refer to her as Jane. So, John was telling met that Jane loves to date and do the Monkey Dance with older guys and I am like, what the hell? Jane is like 22 or 23 years old!!!! He was saying that Jane was hitting on his 36-38 year old friend at a bar in St.Charles. Of course it did not lead to anything because she found out he was married and throughout that night she gave him ugly and nasty looks. Just to make sure the rumor was true, I asked Tony, who is another friend of mine at the gym, about Jane and her fascination for older guys. Tony assured me that the rumor was true because Tony's friends who are close to their thirties, followed her home one night and Jane knowing that they followed her home put on a teased show while they were outside her home. To be more specific, she undressed in front of her window with the curtains closed but lights on and started dancing and touching herself eroticly.

So...ladies...what's with the fascination of older guys? Throw me a freakin bone!!!


Blogger Dragonslippers said...

uh.....i think the MOST DISTURBING part of the story is that "Tony's friends" followed this girl home.

and the SECOND MOST DISTURBING part is that she gave them a "reward" for doing it.

8/09/2005 5:06 PM  
Blogger Josephine Lee said...

it's because guys our age or close to it, are IMMATURE AND SELF-INDULGING... except of course, for all of MY guy friends and anyone reading this blog ^.~

but i, personally, happen to like immature guys... or maybe... that's just guys in general... oh Lord Help Me.

8/09/2005 6:43 PM  
Blogger da bito said...

I'm with you on the immature guys, Jo. Well, guys that are at the same maturity level as myself. Furthermore, I do NOT go for older guys. I thought that Daniel was around 27 when I got to know him, and even a difference of 4 years bothered me. As for Jane...yikes.

8/09/2005 9:50 PM  
Blogger Queen Jezebel the Wicked said...

Older guys can be ok. Sarah's right; a guy w/ his shit together can only be a good thing. I mean, it helps to be closer to age just bcz I think that way you have more in common, but age in itself isn't the worst culprit. It really depends on the guy tho, bcz you always also have to wonder why this guy can't get women his own age.

Steph and I were discussing this recently, and came up w/ a sliding scale, where when you're say 18, any guy older than 23 should be suspect; if you're 23, any guy over 33 should be suspect, and if you're 28, any guy over 40 is suspect. After that, it starts to not matter as much.

But honestly Tom, you should be glad that younger women still find older men attractive bcz it can only be beneficial for guys as they get older.

I'm definitely w/ steph on the top 2 disturbing parts of your story tho. wtf?! At least she had the decency to stop hitting on the married guy . . .

8/10/2005 10:33 AM  

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