Monday, August 29, 2005

Ow, my pride

Yes, I went surfing again yesterday, and got the crap pummeled out of me by the ocean.

So I didn't know this, but apparently in surf ettiquette if a "good" surfer gets on a wave before you do, you're supposed just fall off your board or something and get out of his/her way. Which explains why when I went for the first time some asshole thought it perfectly reasonable to swing around next to me just as I was catching a wave and push my board out of his way. For the record, i think this unwritten rule is total crap.

I guess it's also perfectly acceptable for13yrold surf-snobs to heckle you for swimming back to shore with your board rather than riding it back bcz you're just too damn tired to do anything else. ("what's with the raft?! can i borrow your raft?! whaddaya need that raft for?! blah blah can't seem to move away from the word 'raft!' if only i weren't so damn retarded!")

All the same, I had a lot of fun. The beach was gorgeous and and I used a stronger sunblock (altho i still got a little burnt on my cheeks). One of these days I'll show those little brats what for . . .


Blogger da bito said...

Perhaps once you get married, you'll get on God's good side. Then He'll send sharks to maul those boys Elisha-style when they make fun of you. Seriously, though, why are people in California so tasteless? Remember when those people hassled you and Andy for throwing the frisbee around? Perhaps groundless criticism is a facet of the California public school curriculum. It must be what they replaced American Government with.

8/30/2005 11:08 AM  

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