Monday, August 01, 2005

Nerds Make Better Lovers!

Man...I have so much to do. You guys are all right...moving sucks!!!! But it needs to be done. Along with the 10 other things on my list of things to do that don't get done once I get home from work and don't feel like doing anything. And now apparently I have managed to get a cold in AUGUST...however the hell that works. should be super awesome for the next week.

I've been meaning to create my own blogspot blog to complement my livejournal and talk about awesome things like all the anime I'm watching and just general stuff. I think I may be addicted to this blog thing. This and facebook take up all of my non-anime watching time these days it seems. And attempting to kindle a relationship with a certain Japanese boy I have my eye on. Weeeeeeee. Wish me luck on that one everyone!!!

Speaking of facebook, we get to the real subject of this post. For those of you who don't know what facebook is, it's pretty much an online visual yearbook of sorts connecting people in a social network at colleges throughout the land. I find it highly addictive and entertaining. Anyway, on facebook you can join a variety of groups, etc. and my latest group addition is a group entitled "nerds make better boyfriends" (though I think we should change the title to "nerds make better lovers" to make this an equal opportunity group). The whole thing is based off of and inspired by this super awesome New York Daily News article. a nerd girl and a damn good one at that...I'm asking you to read the article. It definitely kept me entertained!!

PS. Jo...I'll buy your flip flops and send them with Bri. What size do you need again???


Blogger Queen Jezebel the Wicked said...


But alas, i can't access your article. Try again?

Good luck w/ the japanese hottie!!!


8/02/2005 9:35 AM  
Blogger Queen Jezebel the Wicked said...


True story; apparently David Arqutette's brother-in-law (or someone sorta related to the family) is a drag queen, and does shows at some club in LA that my roommate Lisa frequented when she lived out in Whittier (a suburb district absorbed by LA).

So one time Lisa goes there, and she's in the bathroom, which of course is overrun w/ queens snorting lines off the sink counter and fucking and/or shooting up in the stalls--and there's Courtney Cox frozen in the middle of the bathroom, TERRIFIED OUT OF HER MIND!!! lol!

I guess she was waiting for a sink, but then thought better of it and just ran out of the bathroom. Ha! so funny!

I wish i lived closer to the city. There's so much to do there (unlike Riverside where there's NOTHING) and it wouldn't matter as much that Andy's aways busy bcz i'd be able to find more stuff to do, like shopping and star spotting.

I mean, the only star spotting I got was on the plane back to Chicago for Christmas, when I saw Brandy's ass crack when she sat on the baggage claim thing.

*insert stupid joke about going star spotting and seeing the moon instead here*

wakka wakka!


8/02/2005 12:08 PM  
Blogger Ubiquitous Leader SK said...

Hahaha..I liked your non-existant lame joke Jess!! for you living in California and getting to potentially laugh at famous people. That rocks!

8/02/2005 4:14 PM  

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