Monday, February 20, 2006

Very Disappointing

This morning I got an email from Laura. She apologized for Saturday night, but it is so too late . I mean, what the heck? All of last week she wanted go out. She went as far as giving me detailed directions to her house on Friday afternoon and then what does she do? After emailing me, she heads up to Appleton, Wisconsin that very night for the weekend to hangout with her bro. Now, granted she warned me she might go up North, but the key word here is MIGHT.

I do realize that family comes first, but the way she went about doing it is just mean and rude. Why did she email me directions to her house and then hours later take a trip up to Appleton? Does she want me camp out on her front yard in sub-zero temperatures, until she gets back? And how come she could not call or email me? What there are no phones and computers in Appleton? Why wait 48 hours later to inform me of her trip? Where is the consideration? What kind of a person would that?

And then, she has nerve to end this morning's email by asking me if I was going to the gym tonight. What an inconsiderate.............ahhhhhhhhhhhh. After all she did to me, how could she think that I would want to work out with her? I mean seriously, why don't I just bend over and take it up the a-hole with a 2 x 4. I mean come on, where was she raise? In a barn? Here is the email she sent me.

Hey John,

Sorry for being super shady this weekend. I went up on Friday to Appleton to hang out with my brother and didn’t come home till Sunday. I will be at the gym tonight. See you there?


Blogger IBC Reporter Bri-Kun said...

Sauce that's some BS. Sorry buddy.

2/21/2006 3:44 AM  
Blogger Sauce said...

I did not go to her house. My stalking days are over. I am just disappointed because I don't think she understands what she did wrong. Maybe, I need another interpretation of the email. Instead of apologizing for being inconsiderate she is sorry for taking off to Appleton.

2/21/2006 8:34 AM  
Blogger Dragonslippers said...

excuse me? for being "super shady"?


the fact that she acknowledges that she acted inappropriatly is significant, john. it doesn't sound to me like she "forgot" to hang out with you. she made a deliberate choice to not hang-out with you and didn't have the decency to tell you first.

this girl, john, is not worth your time.

2/21/2006 8:01 PM  

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