Sunday, February 19, 2006

This bites

The streak continues with the ladies. I am not sure what I did wrong on Saturday. In my last post, I mentioned how I asked out Laura, a girl from the gym for drinks. Now, maybe I misterupted the word "yes" but I swear it means some kind of an agreement. The way she said it blew way because she said with such excitment. She even gave me detailed directions of how to get to her house.

What is more disturbing is the fact that we are friends. It seems to me she treated the situation poorly, like I am some kind of stranger. Seriously, strangers do not acknowledge one another's presence at the gym, nor do they work out together for two hours. Also, we have exchanged over 10 emails in the past two weeks.

I called her up twice on Saturday to confirm that we are still going out and not once did I get to talk to her. She did not even bother to call me back with some kind of lame excuse. Now, I can take rejection. I am big boy. I can take it. Rejection is nothing new to me, but to trick me into thinking that a friendship existed is just wrong. She made me feel like a fool.

I went all out in trying to impress this girl. I even borrowed a certain jacket that I help developed for a fortune 500 company that has a retail value of over $700 for her to play around with. She would have been one of the first consumers in the market to play with this thing, considering it just came out in Christmas and the fact that it cost so much. Believe me, I went through a lot of grief and teasing from my co-workers just to get that jacket for Saturday night.

I also managed to get my hands on another device, which I cannot speak much of since it is not even out on the market yet for her play with. She would of definitely been the first consumer ever to play with this thing. I put a lot of effort into impressing this girl, but is all for not. The worse part is tonight I will most likely see her at the gym and I am not sure how I will react. Am I going to bitch her out? Or will I be understanding and forgiving? As of right now, I am just severly disappointed in her because friends do not treat each like this, leaving them high and dry.


Blogger Josephine Lee said...

maybe she's been busy? eeks.

2/19/2006 4:24 PM  
Blogger Queen Jezebel the Wicked said...

So, what happened?

You asked her out for drinks, and she didn't return your call? Did you already have a set date w/ her?

I'm confused. Need another update.

2/20/2006 12:38 AM  

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