Tuesday, November 28, 2006


I am not sure how this happen, but I am actually seeing someone. Last Friday night, some how it ended up me going out with this 19 year old girl. It started out like a loophole date because none of my buddies were in town. So, we ended up having dinner and going to a movie. It felt like a date with her vibes, but I was not sure. Then, yseterday at gym it all went down. Donna told me how much fun Jane(fake name) had with me. By the way, Jane works at the gym. Later on, Jane announces to everybody that we went out on a date.

I do like this girl because of who she is. The girl makes me laugh. We are getting together to do something on Sunday. I am not sure how to handle this dating thing. Any advice?


Blogger da bito said...

Relax, be honest, and NO SCHEMES. Furthermore, 1) if, after a couple dates, you don't feel spurred to call her every night and talk for hours, then you're probably just dating her for opportunistic reasons. If so, don't go on more than 3-5 dates. 2) If you do feel that interested, don't actually call her every night. Ask her to go on 1 or 2 dates a week for the first month. And congratulations, you sexy beast!!!

11/30/2006 8:10 AM  
Blogger Dragonslippers said...

dear god. what is going on here? is this the same Sauce that I've come to know for the past 3-4ish years?

My god man, congratulations, its about fucking time.

and yeah---NO SCHEMES...and try to avoid having expectations off the bat. believe me, unrealistic expectations can really screw up a good relationship.

just relax, be yourself, and be open to "whatever happens, happens" philosophy.

and keep us up to date.

11/30/2006 12:10 PM  
Blogger Josephine Lee said...

well... sauce... i would start by NOT referring to her as "this 19-year-old girl" because that gives me weird vibes... when it's not really weird at all... what is she? a sophomore... call her that!

11/30/2006 7:55 PM  

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