Saturday, January 14, 2006

Well...the inevitable has occurred.....and it made me slightly more nostalgic and teary-eyed than excited

A Tale of Epic Adventure

I was at the DMV today getting a new license. And I wanted to see what time it was so I took my phone out of my pocket. And I had missed a call and I wanted to make sure that magically it wasn't Brian and he'd gotten home early. So I opened my phone.......and the top part fell off. And I just stared at it for a while. I just stared.

So..slightly fortunately I was at Westgate where there is a RadioShack and they carry Cingular products. Even more fortunately I had just gotten a fat refund check from FinAid. But....since I was still behind in my payment cause I hadn't gotten around to USING the refund check to PAY my bills yet...RadioShack couldn't give me my phone upgrade. So I had to go to West Towne. BUT! I was at Westgate. This meant that the West Transfer Point where I could easily catch a #6 to West Towne was well within my reach. It was also about 5 minutes to 12...and I knew the bus would leave the transfer point at 12...because I carry a bus schedule whenever I leave home! So...I hurried on my way to the transfer point, and I didn't see any 6 busses leaving at all. But, when I got near there was no bus to be seen save an eastbound 6. I thought about going to East Towne...then I thought, but I'm so damn close to West Towne I can taste it! Never give up!! The next bus was scheduled to come in the distant future of 30 minutes from that time, but I was thankfully prepared for a long wait in line at the DMV "Express" (where you get to stand up and wait instead of sitting down to wait), so I had reading materials aplenty. It began with finishing the first section of my book "The Mapmaker's Opera" which was acquired from the library on a whim and for little more than it's title. I turned on my trustworthy Japanamania mix on the mp3 player and set to work occupying my time until the next but came. This worked marvelously, and in seemingly no time I was on my way to West Towne. Upon arrival I paid my dues to the wireless companies, and chose my new weapon. Though it was not the beautiful and miraculous Motorola Razr...and it wasn't even made by the wondrous company that is Motorola, but by their slightly lesser craftsman Nokia (because after you give someone $150 for the bill you owe them, spending another $150 on a phone hardly seems justifiable...even if the University did give you $1200). It's not beautiful, but it has a camera and will let me create ringtones of YOUR favorite songs and show me your picture when I call....which are features that my trusty companion of old were lacking. As I was waiting the painfully long time that it takes one to set up a new phone at a mall kiosk...I admit that I did begin to feel sadness over the loss of my companion. Even though it's health was failing of late and it's sharpness was becoming slightly dulled with had been there with me through good times and bad, through highs and lows, and had never really let me down....even the multitude of times I dropped it to the pavement.

With my new friend, faithful readers, I will be armed with a weapon to be feared, no doubt...but I just will not be complete without my blue beauty.

Also...I don't know if the numbers that were in said blue beauty are recoverable...unless I can get it to turn back on (I did successfully make a call to my mom with it after it broke though). My number is the same, so if you want me to have should e-mail it to me at or call me if you know my number.

And thus ends my adventure. Except for not knowing how my voicemail works...but that shouldn't be a problem now that the phone rings.



Blogger Josephine Lee said...

woohoo! my dad just got me the slimmest slide phone in the world by samsung! i'll show u a pic of it sometime soon...

also... when u change phones.. the place should be able to transfer your entire phone book to your new phone... if they can't... that's silly.

1/15/2006 4:04 PM  
Blogger Ubiquitous Leader SK said...

Yes...they should be able to put numbers from my old phone in, but they couldn't...and it was silly.

I'll post a pic of mine soon too.

1/15/2006 6:21 PM  
Blogger Queen Jezebel the Wicked said...

Wow, that was indeed an epic adventure. I'm impressed by your techniques of a storyteller.

That is really weird they couldn't transfer your numbers. But don't worry--my phone number is on its way via email as I write.


1/17/2006 5:19 PM  
Blogger Ubiquitous Leader SK said...

Woo hoo everyone!!! I have Jess' phone number!!!!

Oh, but I'm sure you do too......*hangs head*

1/17/2006 9:15 PM  

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