Tuesday, November 08, 2005

"Don't hate me cuz i'm delinquent"

Here begins the tale of the long lost cd.

So in January, I heard a song by Jesca Hoop featured on NPR and really really liked it, so I went to the website and purchased one of her demo cds.

About 3 weeks later I go to see her in concert, and before she comes on, Andy and I detect the smell of something illegal wafting in from behind the stage . . . it's hard to be sure, but since we both smelled it . . . . Anyways she comes out on stage, dancing and singing, animated yet mellow, and fucking ROCKS the house. I consider buying a demo at the merch table, but decide not to bcz my cd should be on its way.

A month later and no sign of the cd, I send her an email to which she replies "There have been a few changes in my "Team" dynamics that have decreased my organization and increased my workload...And so I have fallen behind....I am getting caught up with this new found task (a.k.a shipping)and you will recieve your cd very soon."

So I waits . . . and waits. . . until May, when I email her again politely asking if she's sent my cd yet. She says "I am so close I will be all caught up at the ed of this week and you will have you long lost cd.please dont hate me cuz I'm deliquent"

The summer months come and go with no sign of the cd. I email her once again in early October, polite as ever, basically saying that i'm moving soon and it's really the last chance to get this cd to me. She says "jturnerit is good to hear from you.I am sorry that your cd never did arrive. Lets try againI see that I sent you an email letting you know there was a problem. I dont seem have your address in my file . Will you please send it again I will have it out a.s.a.p.thanx jhoop"

Hooray! Some progress! So I send her my address and wait . . . but no sign of the cd. Two weeks ago I try again with the email saying, "I'm moving near the end of the month! Here's my address again" all the while thinking "GAHHH!!! GIVE ME THE GODDAMN CD ALREADY!!!!"

and then, yesterday arrives, and with it a few packages. I went on an eBay buying spree and was expecting a couple other cds, but much to my surprise it was the long-awaited Jesca Hoop demo!!!! 11 months and 5 emails later, i FINALLY HAVE MY CD!!!

The moral of the story is,

Jesca Hoop is constantly stoned.

What, don't believe me?? Go here and see for yourself

I have a new hero, and she is stoned.


Blogger da bito said...

i listened to the album - she IS awesome. :)

11/09/2005 3:20 PM  

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